Thursday Plays

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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
Sac -8.5 f/h
Sac -14.5 game

Denver not only has quit, they have by far the lowest talent in the league on the floor even the bulls put out more talent than the nuggets right now. Even without peja im looking for a 20 pt halftime lead and the kings to be free flowing to a 30 plus pt win in the 2nd half as they dont let up in arco...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Muscle Shoals, AL
how can dnuggets go against the Nuggets... just kidding love the pick. I say the Kings win by 30, what do you put the spread at?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
Two wins on the SAC game..........

Two wins on the SAC game..........

can't beat that d!

Thanks for yesterday's probing questions about the LAC team total. I think asking people questions in this forum is imperative for better capp'n of games.


If ya can't "defend" the play.........then has the game really been "capped"?


A little research and some exchange of views/information among the membership is usually a winning combination.

Questions are often taken as "personal" challenges.......therefore......folks don't seem too comfortable querying each other from time to time. Thus, we lose the benefit of "dialogue" and "explainations" on a particular play.

I would invite questions on every post I submit.....because that question might uncover an overlooked or underconsidered perspective.

Furthermore, if a play can't be backed up with some logic, trends, stats or just "gut feelings".......then we just as well be flip'n coins.

At the end of the day healthy debate is profitable for everyone.......from old hands to the new lurker just try'n to learn.

I need get my :moon: down off the SOAPBOX now and back to work capp'n some games!!! ;)

Thanks for your contribution my friend! :) ez
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Las Vegas
I get so much junk email i probably missed it sorry if you re-email me and put madjacks as the subject ill watch for it...ez i took your over team total i rarely take others play unless i was at least leaning on it and i hadnt even thought of that bet till your brought it up so thanks a lot....