MB MLB 728x90 Jpg

James Witt

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 28, 2005
damn. close. those threes don't flow so easy when you're down 7 vs up 15. very impressive on dallas' part. that's two days of 17-(very little) in the 3rd or 4th.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg

James Witt

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 28, 2005
without the refs getting whistle-happy, it's hard for an NBA game to climb over that 200 wall. i tend to agree with bleed's script theory. one day i had an epiphany while watching nfl. the difference betw pro wrestling and pro football is one of degree, not kind. prop on dallas game: 58 free throws, over/under. total comes in at...59. virtually no calls in the first half. about 30 FTs in the third. i definitely believe the refs are instructed in subtle ways of keeping the game close without appearing to, overly, sacrifice the integrity. example is tonight's mia game, and the one-sided foul calling to give the home team a helping hand in the third quarter. bleed, please comment if you have one. howard cosell used to complain there's no real sports journalism. i think that applies. espn runs "bus" junk instead of reports on how officiating actually operates. it would be interesting to read memos from the head office to the refs, or the documentation related to however they communicate stern's desires.