Tiger has always had a little edge to his on-course behavior - even as a kid and while winning those Am's. As others have pointed out, we end up seeing it ALL. That's not true with other players who "hide it" from camera or who we only see on their "highlight" shots, not their tantrums. I don't like seeing people lose it, as I think it negatively affects your playing partner(s), which is selfish and bad etiquette. I also don't like to see ahole athletes setting bad examples for others to emulate, particularly kids who copy every move.
Having said all that, I get a kick out of most of Tiger's moves. I also don't think it is completely bad to utter a few words in frustration or get on yourself a little from time to time ( just don't let it affect your playing partner(s)). He has some "street ball moves" in him that no doubt have come from watching Jordan and other athletes, but that's okay by me as long as he doesn't get too carried away ( which I haven't seen thusfar for the most part ).
Some player antics bother some, others don't. I can see the same stuff and think its funny out of one guy, but somehow not like it out of others. To each his own. I hated McEnroe ( as I thought he used his spoiled brat antics to gain advantage by giving him rest breaks, intimidating umps into giving him calls later, and psyching out his opponents ), but I loved Conners. He seemed to have more fun with it and my take was he got upset over being screwed, not just to catch a breath and gain an advantage. Nastase was a jerk almost as bad as Mac.
In golf, I enjoyed antics by Lee, ChiChi, even Walrus blowing off some steam. I never liked Colbert's routine, or Irwin's constant whine ( the high fiving was cool but he is such a sourpuss whiner ) and Surge pisses me off ( slow play and "Tiger wannabe" moves to show off, IMHO ). Others love Surge's antics and hate Tiger's. I think Tiger does most of his stuff to psyche himself up. I see Surge as trying to show off to get more PR. I also hate his slow play, anytime anywhere. It was epitomized in the Ryder Cup when the Euros were so blatantly slowing down play to try to "gimmick" their way to a victory. A little "pressure application", like giving putts early and not late, and staying in the match with a spotty game, is all well and good, but slowing down your pace intentionally to piss off the opponent and crowd is too much, IMO. Surge actually sat down in the fairway when it was his turn to play, as if to tell the fans to phuck off and he'd slow down the play however he wanted. If you have to resort so completely to gamesmanship and head games, instead of believing in your superior skill, then it is a cheapened and hollow victory, IMHO. At least the pre-mature spontaneous celebration wasn't "intended" to make Parny miss ( he is a class act IMO, BTW ). Must be RC time, as I'm on a rant.
I still think many hate Tiger because he's "part" black and breaking down one of the last bastions of whitedom. It has nothing to do with his antics, etc. that's just their excuse for "publicly" hating him. As much as I hate the hot dogging that pervades fb and hoops more and more, I don't mind Tiger's antics as they seem much more internal than "look at me world I made a putt". But that's my opinion, I could be wrong!