Tim Geitner

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Registered User
Forum Member
May 8, 2008
Anyone else notice secretary of the treasury Tim Geitner has an unusually wrinkled forehead . Look closely and you will see he sold his soul to the devil and is sprouting horns on his temple!

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
I guess there is nothing to be done here. The board is now ruled by the likes of these useless, spamming idiots. Oh well, C'est la vie. It is a tough choice, but for my money Hedge is the biggest moron to ever post on MJ's. No offense Skul, you are a close 2nd. The TCas dipshit is definitely a top 10 candidate in the confederacy of dunces. What a sad state of affairs.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 10, 2001
Between Green Bay and Iowa City
'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
-- Barrack Obama

" . . . And now as to the Dred Scott decision. That decision declares two propositions--first, that a negro cannot sue in the United States courts; and secondly, that Congress cannot prohibit slavery in the Territories. It was made by a divided court--dividing differently on the different points. Judge Douglas does not discuss the merits of the decision, and in that respect I shall follow his example, believing I could no more improve on McLean and Curtis than he could on Taney.

He denounces all who question the correctness of that decision, as offering violent resistance to it. But who resists it? Who has, in spite of the decision, declared Dred Scott free, and resisted the authority of his master over him? Judicial decisions have two uses--first, to absolutely determine the case decided; and secondly, to indicate to the public how other similar cases will be decided when they arise. For the latter use, they are called "precedents" and "authorities."

We believe as much as Judge Douglas (perhaps more) in obedience to, and respect for, the judicial department of government. We think its decisions on constitutional questions, when fully settled, should control not only the particular cases decided, but the general policy of the country, subject to be disturbed only by amendments of the Constitution as provided in that instrument itself. More than this would be revolution. But we think the Dred Scott decision is erroneous. We know the court that made it has often overruled its own decisions, and we shall do what we can to have it to over rule this. We offer no resistance to it.

Judicial decisions are of greater or less authority as precedents according to circumstances. That this should be so accords both with common sense and the customary understanding of the legal profession.

If this important decision had been made by the unanimous concurrence of the judges, and without any apparent partizan bias, and in accordance with legal public expectation and with the steady practice of the departments throughout our history, and had been in no part based on assumed historical facts which are not really true; or, if wanting in some of these, it had been before the court more than once, and had there been affirmed and reaffirmed through a course of years, it then might be, perhaps would be, factious, nay, even revolutionary, not to acquiesce in it as a precedent.

But when, as is true, we find it wanting in all these claims to the public confidence, it is not resistance, it is not factious, it is not even disrespectful, to treat it as not having yet quite established a settled doctrine for the country . . .

Chief Justice Taney, in his opinion in the Dred Scott case, admits that the language of the Declaration is broad enough to include the whole human family, but he and Judge Douglas argue that the authors of that instrument did not intend to include negroes, by the fact that they did not at once actually place them on an equality with the whites. Now this grave argument comes to just nothing at all, by the other fact that they did not at once, or ever afterward, actually place all white people on an equality with one another. And this is the staple argument of both the chief justice and the senator for doing this obvious violence to the plain, unmistakable language of the Declaration.

I think the authors of that notable instrument intended to include all men, but they did not intend to declare all men equal in all respects. They did not mean to say all were equal in color, size, intellect, moral developments, or social capacity. They defined with tolerable distinctness in what respects they did consider all men created equal--equal with "certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This they said, and this they meant. They did not mean to assert the obvious untruth that all were then actually enjoying that equality, nor yet that they were about to confer it immediately upon them. In fact, they had no power to confer such a boon. They meant simply to declare the right, so that enforcement of it might follow as fast as circumstances should permit.

They meant to set up a standard maxim for free society, which should be familiar to all, and revered by all; constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people of all colors everywhere.
The assertion that "all men are created equal" was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain; and it was placed in the Declaration not for that, but for future use. Its authors meant it to be--as, thank God, it is now proving itself--a stumbling-block to all those who in after times might seek to turn a free people back into the hateful paths of despotism. They knew the proneness of prosperity to breed tyrants, and they meant when such should reappear in this fair land and commence their vocation, they should find left for them at least one hard nut to crack.

I have now briefly expressed my view of the meaning and object of that part of the declaration of Independence which declares that "all men are created equal." ~ A. Lincoln

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
-- Barrack Obama

Simply put, some people get it, some people need to buy a clue.



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I guess there is nothing to be done here. The board is now ruled by the likes of these useless, spamming idiots. Oh well, C'est la vie. It is a tough choice, but for my money Hedge is the biggest moron to ever post on MJ's. No offense Skul, you are a close 2nd. The TCas dipshit is definitely a top 10 candidate in the confederacy of dunces. What a sad state of affairs.

just because I disagree with you:shrug:
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
-- Barrack Obama

You people just want so badly for some things to be true, when in FACT they are not. Welcome to 1 year ago....


Claim: Barack Obama urged his supporters to join him in changing "the greatest nation in the history of the world."

Status: False.

Example: [Collected via e-mail, March 2008]

Is this true?

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." ? Barack Obama

Origins: The

quote cited above sounds like the kind of verbal slip-up that occasionally escapes from the lips of politicians and other public figures: An idea that seems reasonable in thought (i.e., just because something is the best or greatest doesn't mean it can't be further improved) comes out expressed in wording that, when taken literally, can be interpreted as meaning just the opposite of what the speaker intended to say.

In this case, however, the quote is a fictional double whammy: It not only began as a political in-joke rather than something uttered by Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, but in its original incarnation its humor was apparently directed at the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Arizona senator John McCain.

Here's how the quote appeared on the National Review Online blog The Corner, where it was posted by Mark Steyn on 28 January 2008:
Three weeks ago, after New Hampshire, when Hill and McCain and the gang were all bragging about being "agents of change," a (non-U.S.) correspondent of mine e-mailed me his all-purpose stump speech for this primary season:
My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Change (as in "Yes, we can change") certainly has been one of the predominant themes of Senator Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, but not quite through the wording presented here.

Last updated: 15 March 2008
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I don't think that's it - I think it's because you're stupid - but on top of that - you're not smart enough to know it.

just because I am a conservative, I will never back down from a socialist like you, like me or not I am not going to compromise my principles


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
just because I am a conservative, I will never back down from a socialist like you, like me or not I am not going to compromise my principles

Right, the same *principles* that say it's OK to cheat in baseball. ...Or did you mean "principals"?:shrug:


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I guess there is nothing to be done here. The board is now ruled by the likes of these useless, spamming idiots. Oh well, C'est la vie. It is a tough choice, but for my money Hedge is the biggest moron to ever post on MJ's. No offense Skul, you are a close 2nd. The TCas dipshit is definitely a top 10 candidate in the confederacy of dunces. What a sad state of affairs.

How does Spy not top this list:shrug:
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 8, 2008
Welcome to the internet smurphy, but Snopes.com is a Scam ! It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby.

The Mikkelson's are jewish - very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this presidential election, liberals have a purpose agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative. There has been much criticism lately over the internet with people pointing out the Mikkelson's liberalism revealing itself in their website findings.. Gee, what a shock? :kiss:



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
An excerpt from the source that TCAS sites to say that snopes.com is a scam. Seems totally reasonable to me? Pretty much case closed.

Mission Statement
The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years.

This website has been established to freely give Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. The Bellringers are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the "four corners of the earth" -thus the "Four Winds" http://www.fourwinds10.com and "Phoenix Archives" http://www.phoenixarchives.com websites.

Our objectives are:
To reveal the Darkside's secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.
To reveal to the world's people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the "ending of the play."
To reveal the evil world leaders' cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors), who are here in starships in Earth's atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.
To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization by the Realms of Light:

a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring.
b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes.
c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by within in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing.
d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology.
e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.
f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012.
g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream.
To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth.
To spread the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light to the "Four Corners of the Planet Earth" via the "Fourwinds" website (http://www.fourwinds10.com) and the Phoenix Archives website (http://www.phoenixarchives.com).
The original foundation of Truth upon which Fourwinds rests is that which has been presented by Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters in the 241 volumes of The Phoenix Journals. These Journals are also known as the "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms."


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Welcome to the internet smurphy, but Snopes.com is a Scam ! It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby.

The Mikkelson's are jewish - very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this presidential election, liberals have a purpose agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative. There has been much criticism lately over the internet with people pointing out the Mikkelson's liberalism revealing itself in their website findings.. Gee, what a shock? :kiss:


Oh for Christ's sakes! Ok then. Keep living in your world.

They don't discredit anything conservative. They discredit spam emails that are untrue.

You are not even conservative. Neither is skulnik or Hedgehog. You are neocon freaks living in another world.

I guess 2+2 equalling 4 is some kind of Jewish/Liberal agenda too.:rolleyes:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
An excerpt from the source that TCAS sites to say that snopes.com is a scam. Seems totally reasonable to me? Pretty much case closed.

Mission Statement
The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years.

This website has been established to freely give Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. The Bellringers are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the "four corners of the earth" -thus the "Four Winds" http://www.fourwinds10.com and "Phoenix Archives" http://www.phoenixarchives.com websites.

Our objectives are:
To reveal the Darkside's secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.
To reveal to the world's people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the "ending of the play."
To reveal the evil world leaders' cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors), who are here in starships in Earth's atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.
To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization by the Realms of Light:

a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring.
b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes.
c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by within in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing.
d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology.
e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.
f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012.
g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream.
To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth.
To spread the Truth from Creator God Aton of Light to the "Four Corners of the Planet Earth" via the "Fourwinds" website (http://www.fourwinds10.com) and the Phoenix Archives website (http://www.phoenixarchives.com).
The original foundation of Truth upon which Fourwinds rests is that which has been presented by Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters in the 241 volumes of The Phoenix Journals. These Journals are also known as the "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms."

:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
Welcome to the internet smurphy, but Snopes.com is a Scam ! It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby.

The Mikkelson's are jewish - very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this presidential election, liberals have a purpose agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative. There has been much criticism lately over the internet with people pointing out the Mikkelson's liberalism revealing itself in their website findings.. Gee, what a shock? :kiss:


What does them being jewish have to do with anything?

So because thery are jewish, they can not be trusted?

Nothing like I little antisemitism to prove your asinine point.