
The BestBradley
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
encino, ca
I for one do not understand the concept of a "tip" in sports gambling. To thosee who say they are getting a tip, do they know plaeyers who will throw the game to a spread? Otherwise tips are meaningless. Any thoughts???


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
A "tip" is merely a piece of information which is intended to make you rethink the possible outcome of the game, either in favor of a particular side, or in favor of both (lay off).

Vegas sets the opening line and attempts to "balance the scale."

You do your handicapping, read your "tips", accordingly place all that info on the "scale", see which way the "scale" is "tipped", if at all, and make a decision.

Nuthin' to it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
I guess it depends on how you look at it, but I have always considered a "tip" as information not available to the general public that can influence the outcome of a game. Of course, that takes in a lot of territory. Can't see it applying much to team sports unless it involves health, injury, serious unknown personal problems, etc. Horse racing "tips" come in all shapes and sizes, and having been seriously involved with the horse racing ciruit in California, I can say that only a few have been valuable. Generally, jockeys and trainers are 2 of the worst sources of tips unless you get a trainer that plays games. Guys that do their own clocking in the a.m. have always been the best sources.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
i get tip's from a former local i use to use.
i was an investigator for many years and still do it once inawhile.what happened was i did a job for my former local,after it was done i moved on to another local and used my former for my tip-play's! they have made me money. although they have not been doing as well as i like, i stick w/them

trust me the locals know more than we know.ive been doing this for 18 years now.my former gives me a call when there on someone hot. thats all i can say

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