as far as ats bears are - 4 ppg seatle is o 339 for 340 agaibst
in short both defenses suck
now i look at best chances for td scorer any time
seattle 5 players long shot RB walker has 4 tds in last 10 games
WR Lockett W R Johnson TE Kmet RB Charbonnet
Bears RB Johnson 5 td's last 10 rb Swift 3 tds
wr allen best 7 tds in last 10
wr moore has 2 yds vs vikings n lions long shot worth it
TE Kmet 3 tds long ago vs Jags 2 tds === 1 td in a loss vs lions 34-17
i'm using combos like 10$ each 3 n 3 n seperate i like overs in this game 42.5 both defense allow like 23 ppg only way it falls unders if high gusty winds tonight and maybe rain too
check weather reports they dont call it windy city for nothing
brb checking weather
balmy 47 degress no winds 5 mph gust to 8 mph