to memphis

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
who is this Dee guy, don't need a name just wondering if he is a service or is that you.

i hammered Mason last night and had no clue about either team and was wondering if these are regular plays or just every now and then.

also, what kind of use will we get from him/you during the tournaments this week?

i will be in Atlanta at the SEC and needing to get picks early.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004


i didn't read all the BS in the previous post, i thought that was last night's picks still up.

i haven't followed Dee except for the last few picks so i am all in until i have a reason not to.

thanks in advance


Forum Member
Feb 17, 2004
ive been around for a few years and alot know me and have formed an opinion but i will tell you there are doubters but mostly its from one person is obsessed and others will attest to this as well---he was banned and has been banned from many forms for bashing and he stops at nothing to get people misinformed---ill tell you as others know dee is a friend of mine in phoenix that i get plays from and have been posting all of them for a few years now cause lots of people want them---its easier to post them here rather than email them to everyone, its thats simple---we are not the same person, its not a girl in a vegas casino, a long time friend of mine who is selective and very legit and the only person who i use to get plays---why would i give someone else the credit for great capping if they were my own plays as some have suggested---there are people who can tell you what we have done the last few years in foots and especially baskets, but you can just watch and see for yourself---he doesnt have a service, he is in the financial professional field and i play all plays he sends my way---i left the other place as many did b/c of all the bs that goes on when you do not produce everynight---i joined a forum like this so if people didnt want to see my threads they can just stay out and not bs or bash---gl and i hope this helps, there are some names i can give you to attest we are for real and i can give you names of many frauds around as well
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Forum Member
Feb 17, 2004
oh about the 10-2 lifetime when he tells me beforehand that a play should definitly hit i play it for 15 and he has nailed 10 of them just like mason last night, with luck or not 10-2 ill take everyday---
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