TO nation30


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 7, 2001
Cape Coral fl usa
First of all congratulations on your streak. But don't you believe in moneymanagement? I went back over your posts where i saw you were up $1650. You then promptly wagered $800 of it on 2 early plays. When those plays appeared to be "looking good" you wagered ANOTHER $2100 the same day!
Up $1650 and you put $2900 in action (not counting the vig). Whatever happend to the 2% rule? And what kind of bankroll do expect a $100 a unit player must have to play all your picks?
Believe me i hope you have found the holy grail of sports betting but if you run into a streak (or even a couple of days) of bad luck all the good work,along with your profit will be gone.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
2% rule is bull shit something else some one wrote in a book after the great chapte of ROI.
yes you do need some type of management but there are no set rules,just like the only way to win in the long run is by playing dogs. books books and more books,people write this stuff so someone will buy it so they can make money.
and i hate the word value,you want to know what value is? its what you pick up at the end of the day.
mrvalue this isnot directed towards you i am just writting in you thread. good luck.
this is just some of the statements that drive me nuts in general.


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Forum Member
Mar 11, 2000
San Diego CA
I am also a bit concerned as well. I agree with mrvalue. I went back at all his picks , and believe me Nation30 is hitting a real good percentage, but fact still remains that to wager that kind of dough each day would not take much to wipe out the profits so quickly.

one day he wagered up to 30 units , and for a $100 player thats alot, i noticed in 12 days of wagering he has only had 2 losing days (Absolutly great!!, do i sound like tony the tiger) i think that if he can keep this percentage up screw money management, but 2 days of 1-5 then you can kiss all the profits goodbye.

i too would like to know what is a good percentage of bk that i would need to keep up with everyones 2-6 star systems.

i mean everyone in this forum has been exceptionally good about their picks and their records , but i dont recall anyone stating what their starting bk is and how they actually wager.

this would be helpful to alot of us , mostly beginners.

Point being, it is always easy to continue with picks week after week saying 6 units on 10 different teams when you have had 2 losing weeks and are chasing losses, until your record is in the positive. (In reality your bk may be bust but here we wouldnt know that)

Dont get me wrong anyone i am just trying to make a point and not trying to single anyone out. I love this forum and everything that everyone puts into it. Personally i dont think that i could help that much, my handicapping sucks.

But one thing that i am good at is money management, i mean taking someones picks,past results and coming up with a good mm program. I said that i was good at moneymanagement not DISCIPLE.(otherwise i would be rich)

Anyway great job Nation 30.

Padre out.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
The best thing you can do for yourself is come up with your own strategy that fits your needs & not worry about how someone else does it.

What might be good for one might not be good for you. I taught myself not to follow these so called money management systems as most are doomed to fail due to the lack of discipline every gambler has at one pointy or another.

Personally I love wagering big & doing as I please as I know I can get away with it but in no turn am I trying to sell this as the way to go since I don't know how it would fit others.

Do your own anaylsis & I'm sure you'll come up with something that works.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
you must not of read to much i ahve given my 4times now and after the last time a few weeks ago i said i was done repeteing it for people that cant go back and look for it.
and dont worry about what others play worry about what you play .use your own #.if it 10,20,30 ,40 per star what ever works for your budget,thats all you need to worry about.
100$ to yo could be 1$ to the next guy or 1000 to another guy,it is all irrelevant to anyone but you. i hope you understand what i.m trying to say. you do what good for you and fits your budget. good luck.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 29, 2001
In response to the question pointed by Mrvalue. "What type of bankroll do I expect a $100 player to have to play all of my picks properly?"

This is not sarcasm, just advice. If you have to think about that, you are not a $100 player; and that is ok. If you have $5000 to freely play with (meaning if you lose it all, it will not effect your lifestyle,) I would lable you a $100 player. You can adjust from there.

Nation 30

Refer to my current post for more info.
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