To Ray, Fletch,and the rest of us "old timers"


Registered User
Forum Member
May 26, 2000
Seems like we have a bull shit session about every two months whether we need it or not. There are two types of people that come to Jack's site. Some, are very fine folks and some are very ignorant folks. The very fine folks eventually become old timers after a season or so. Some of the ignorant folks develope into very fine folks after they learn what it is that makes "Jack's" the best forum around. The others just seem to fade into the woodwork and are nevermore heard from.

The thing that sets this site apart is the attitude of the people that post here month in and month out. They sincerely care for each other, win or lose.

Now let me try to enlighten some of you on certain points. If you have come to Jack's and found problems with the way the regulars are posting be careful before you open your mouth and put your foot in it. Haven't you found it odd that you are so smart that you have discovered not just one problem but many. You see, none of us are smart enough to see we have these problems.

POINT 1 is write ups
Do you realize how much time it took Nolan to do 8 games a week during the NFL? And you expect someone that is doing 10 to 15 a day in NCAA bb and NBA to give you write-ups. Get real. But here's the nice part. Ask Fletch, Ray, or Barfly why they like a play and they will write you a book. That applys to the rest of us too.

POINT 2 is too many games
A lot of cappers here are per centage players that know from experience that they can hit close to 60% on a season. Math says the more games you play the more units you win. Again, no time for write-ups.

Leaving office now. Will finish when I get home
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