Tonight, I am embarrassed to call this place home.

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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Some of you should be ashamed of how you acted in here, tonight.

I am glad I worked all day, and didn't have to see all of this crap develop.

What did any of it prove? What did we gain out of it? I thought I accidentally opened the wrong forum site when I read all the shit here tonight!

I expect to see it here and there from the sub 100 posters, who don't know what we are supposed to be about in here, but not the vets.

Again, you should be ashamed if you had one (or more) of the posts to which I refer.

We all need to vent at times, and that should be okay. But, let's let the next guy go if you don't agree with his stuff. Cordial disagreement is one thing, but tonight was a joke.

The self promotion has gotten too far out of hand in here, and the helping has gone the way of the wind.

I hope tomorrow brings a better attitude from you guys.

Good night.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
YYZ- I agree with your posts more often than not and find many of them funny and prudent. But get off the moral high-horse here. The clown everyone referred to has been given slack as is...there could be threads started like the one tonight almost everyday with the amount of BS he spews each day.

From the start he shamlessly self-promoted his wannabe tout website. He plastered his 'plays' over various forums and was pretty much the laughing stock of the gambling forum community. After his laughable attempt to promote his business, he came back and has been trying to pretend he is legitimate handicapper. Well, he is not. Posting over 50 plays or whatever for one game, and pretending to have put money on 34 plays yesterday (not counting the hundreds of other instances when he posts over 30 plays during one particular day)is an absolute INSULT to everyone's intelligence. And for him to keep refuting it when someone challenges him is just as assinine.

He isn't some new kid on the block, he's been around and knows what this particular forum is about. It's main focus is trying to help one another, not trying to be a 'hot shot' pretending to be some high rolling, pompous punk who thinks posting 50 plays on one game isn't irresponsible, nor plain retarded. His posts are made without an ounce of intent of trying to help or educate fellow posters. Not trying to make me look 'good' or whatever, but I was cleaned out in April. Wiped. But I consider the NBA playoffs to be a strong suit of mine. So I decided to continue posting without a plug nickel on any of the games just because I thought I could help some guys win a little cash during that period. And there are plenty of instances just like that, I'm more than sure.

He does nothing for this forum, calls out Jack, calls a bunch of respected, knowledgable posters dickheads, yet you have a problem with some people finally taking him to task.

Sorry, but this time you are in the wrong.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
One other thing...Tiger breaks his balls to go through dozens and dozens of threads, hundreds, possibly thousands of plays each day to tabulate his forum recap each day. But to show more evidence of the "all about me" attitude of PD, any time Tiger might have not calculated PD's 28 plays correctly..maybe mistakenly marked a winner a loser, whatever...I've seen PD post on a few occassions, not even more than 5 minutes after Tiger's thread, that "you missed me, I should be on the leaderboard" kind of deal. That tells everyone all you need to know in a nutshell.


Registered User
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Oct 9, 2000
Brandon FL
The guy was definitely out of line... I enjoy this site for one reason.... Everyone seems to try to come together and work for the same cause... Make some money... It really is a pleasure to read everyones analyis and research while trying to develop your own picks... Its very frustrating for someone who has a question on someones strategy and they totally get reamed for asking any questions... If someone doesn't want to share their knowlege and doesn't want to help others then why does he post at all?? I really enjoy everyones willingness to help eachother and hope that this site will allways be about just that.... Thanks for everyones help.... Took a bath in tonights game due to a back door cover but gonna keep my head up and will start looking ahead to next week.... Thanks everyone... God Bless AM2kidz..

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yep -- people like that need to be called out right away....

i am fairly new, but if I was a new guy, looking through this site, and I saw a guy posting that he had a "big guy" who knew the picks, then I would immediately take this site for a joke -- If I was smart.

On the other hand, if I was not the brightest guy, and maybe a little bit gullible, I would put a lot of money on that pick. And thus be taken advantage of.

If we are to protect the integrity of this website, and hopefully get GOOD handicappers here, then people like this MUST be exposed. And exposed immediately. That includes and website touting too.

And I will help do it -- my handicapping is streaky -- and I am still learning, but I can recognize good thinking and good research and a good solid pick. Some people can't recognize this and will make a pick based on some idiot's lies.

We must protect that in order to maintain this website......


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
Hey yyz, I went 3 and 9 yesterday, one of the worst day of NFL picks I can remember. But, I just took it as one of those days. I've been playing a long time now and I know that it will happen (I don't like it worth a damn, especially after Dallas scored with 38 seconds to go and I had the under in the second half I thought I would puke). It takes time for people to learn.

Kids will be kids. Gamblers will always whine. I'm thankful for all the great folks that put in so much time and effort to post their best picks here every week.



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
YYZ - I too respect you as a person and a solid contributor to this forum, however, I also disagree with you here. Let me explain why I choose to "get involved" in the thread in question. Personally, I think the biggest travesty that can occur in a forum (particularly this one) is when somebody asks a question, raises a point, etc, and is met with a less than congenial reply. It absolutely kills me and is counterproductive to the entire concept of this site: to learn and share information regarding sports wagering. I BLATANTLY saw this happen tonight, I reacted, and I don't regret it. Then, when the individual in question took a shot at Jack himself, it pushed me over the edge. I have been at this site since there were about a dozen or so posters and have seen it grow into what it is today. I am not too proud or pompous to admit, without reservation, that I have learned more about the ART of sportswagering from this site than I could ever have imagined. And I still learn from it, every day, as this thing we do is an ongoing learning process, and I feel comfortable in knowing that I've given as much as I can back. Once you think you know it all in this business, you are finished. This invaluable platform of learning and sharing information was created by Jack himself and perpetuated by the way he runs this forum. By providing a segway where ANYBODY, regardless of stature or experience, can ask a question, toss out a thought or opinion (no matter how trivial) without the fear or embarrasment of getting blasted. In otherwords, if somebody has something to share, I wanna hear it. If I can help somebody in any way, I want them to be able to ask. If this notion is threatened, or Jack himself is insulted, I'm not going to sit back and let it happen. I agree and "second the motion" on everything Hoops stated in his post. This "individual" has provided nothing of value to this forum and clearly has no respect for the site, its operators, and the people who post here. I've seen it happen, more than once. Again, this is not a personal vendetta against anybody, but a stance on the integrity of this forum. If I helped ONE person by "getting involved" in this, if I kept ONE person from becoming hesitant to ask questions or share their thoughts, then it was time well spent.
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