This was sent to me by an old college buddy of mine who shares the love of the Game as much as I. Enjoy!
You may think that I?m going to explore the unsettling angst of college football fans who've just watched their star recruit tear his ACL on the opening play of summer practice. Nah, those type of setbacks are merely ?flesh wounds? and are recoverable by careful rehab. What I?m talking about is unrecoverable college football quality time, resulting in mental train wrecks that can only be caused by a higher power ? completely unavoidable and unmanageable by the focused fan. So without any further ado, following are the top ten fears (in no particular order) of any college football fan?
1) Weddings
It goes without saying that this invite is not from one of your true friends. It would be against any one of your friends? principles to plan (or have his/her spouse plan) a wedding on an autumn Saturday. No, this is your significant other?s friend. This is the individual (man or woman) who believes college football is ?just a game? and that wedding pictures would ?look so pretty? in an autumn setting. Well, I guess college football is just a game. Just a game that you?ve had marked on your calendar since January 4. This meaningless game is the sole reason you were able to survive another long summer of boring baseball games and Tiger Woods‑dominated golf events. In addition, wedding pictures don?t look good when all the groomsmen (or entire wedding parties, in most of the South) are pissed off. The last time I had this fear realized was back in October of 1999 when, by the grace of Touchdown Jesus, I was lucky enough between the wedding and the reception to catch a live glimpse of Shaun Alexander?s two late touchdown scampers in the Tide?s overtime upset victory over the mighty Gators. Oh yeah, I?d much prefer to join in the celebration of two people?s love rather than suffer through a 4‑hour war that'll be the talk of college football fans for years. Moral of the story: If you must get married anywhere from September to December, then, for the love of John Heisman, PLEASE do it on a Friday. This is one of the worst kind of fears because you know that everyone else is hearing Ron Franklin?s sweet intro to a Saturday night ESPN telecast while your sorry ass is waiting your turn in the receiving line. Simply disturbing.
2) Birthday Parties (and other meaningless gatherings)
You?re invited to your 2‑year‑old niece/nephew?s birthday party. You skipped this party last year (before the infant could walk) because it fell on the third Saturday in September and the Tennessee/Florida game was pitting two of the top‑five teams in the nation. The kid isn?t even going to remember whether you attended the party. You just want to hear?on Sunday?that your niece/nephew loved the Blues Clues video you splurged on, with the money you would rather have spent on the latest edition of the College Football Encyclopedia that you?ve had your eye on for the past few weeks. You?d gladly choose beer and chips over ice cream and cake, and the only thing you care about seeing unwrapped is the tin foil that?s covering your sub sandwich, which has been on your mind since Chris, Lee, and Kirk aired earlier that morning. You?d prefer to immerse yourself in your own ?war room environment? because you want to be able to whistle the CBS college football theme song rather than sing that damn ?Happy Birthday to You? melody. In this perilous situation, you can only hope that one of your relatives at the party shares your ?illness? and you wind up huddled around the 13‑inch television in your in‑law?s kitchen. Happy birthday to you.
3) National ?Breaking? News Reports
For it is written in the college football fan?s ?Ten Commandments of Network Television??Commandment number one states that breaking news stories should be flashed, in scrolled fashion, across the bottom of your television screen. You believe that if the current?events‑thirsty viewers want to learn more, they can switch to one of the other networks that have conveniently interrupted a syndicated Friends episode to show the live footage and interviews from the news‑breaking scene. The college football‑crazed lunatic doesn?t want to miss the 3rd and goal, early fourth‑quarter play that will determine whether Frank Solich is going to attempt a field goal, run the option, or run a 4th‑and‑goal play action to his reliable tight‑end, who is coming clear of an inadvertent pick off the opposing linebacker. Only a college football fan realizes that the Nebraska players aren?t going to wait for Peter Jennings? repetitive babble and the TV producer?s less‑than‑creative still photos of the news story centerpiece. You can only take solace in the fact that the rest of the nation shares your anguish. Only the 77,600 ticket holders in Memorial Stadium are immune to this network faux pas. Meanwhile, the game continues while the football fan catatonically sits through the first few seconds of the breaking news update before launching his final chicken wing in a rage that splashes Louisiana Hot Sauce all over his JVC.
4) Severe Weather
Thunderstorms, hail storms, tornadoes, strong winds, ice storms. If any one of these meteorological pitfalls happens to occur over the course of a college football Saturday, it can be the kryptonite of any digital cable or satellite system?s super‑capabilities. We all pay homage to the god who created the ABC/ESPN Gameplan, and the college football disciple realizes that $89.99 is mere ?chump change? when presented with the opportunity to watch at least twenty different games on a given Saturday. Heaven forbid that one of the football gods might mention to Mother Nature that she?s having a bad hair day, which will surely cause your satellite dish or cable system to succumb to her powers. This tragic weather‑induced phenomenon has yet to bring me to my knees. However, the paranoid mind cannot escape the urge to tune into the Weather Channel on a Friday night. Visions of pigskins, rivalry games, fourth‑quarter comebacks, and USC cheerleaders dance through my head like sugarplums and lollipops when I know that the local forecast for Saturday calls for clear skies.
5) Your Child?s Soccer Game
Eventually, all of us must grow up (to some extent). We joke about the possibility that our kid?s soccer game (or any youth sport, for that matter) may share the same time slot with a Texas‑Oklahoma Red River War. We say that there?s no way we?d miss the focal point of the Texas State Fair to watch a bunch of second‑graders run around in a herd‑like fashion and kick one another?s shins. Let?s not kid ourselves (no pun intended). We?ll just have to bring our headphones to the soccer game and hope that little Johnny?s/Susie?s mom or dad doesn?t try to bend our ear about the upcoming PTA meeting next Tuesday night. Truth be told, we love our children more than college football, but we go to church to pray that we may never have to decide between the two. For we all know that an error during moral ?crunch time? may cause a judge to rule that we see our kids only on the second and fourth weekends of each month for the rest of our lives. A small ?sacrifice? is necessary here unless we want our children to end up choosing to live in a tool shed in Montana and write paranoid anti‑government manifestos. Although, if I were a betting man, I?d have to guess that Mr. Kaczynski probably didn?t teach little Teddy to appreciate the beauty of college football.
You may think that I?m going to explore the unsettling angst of college football fans who've just watched their star recruit tear his ACL on the opening play of summer practice. Nah, those type of setbacks are merely ?flesh wounds? and are recoverable by careful rehab. What I?m talking about is unrecoverable college football quality time, resulting in mental train wrecks that can only be caused by a higher power ? completely unavoidable and unmanageable by the focused fan. So without any further ado, following are the top ten fears (in no particular order) of any college football fan?
1) Weddings
It goes without saying that this invite is not from one of your true friends. It would be against any one of your friends? principles to plan (or have his/her spouse plan) a wedding on an autumn Saturday. No, this is your significant other?s friend. This is the individual (man or woman) who believes college football is ?just a game? and that wedding pictures would ?look so pretty? in an autumn setting. Well, I guess college football is just a game. Just a game that you?ve had marked on your calendar since January 4. This meaningless game is the sole reason you were able to survive another long summer of boring baseball games and Tiger Woods‑dominated golf events. In addition, wedding pictures don?t look good when all the groomsmen (or entire wedding parties, in most of the South) are pissed off. The last time I had this fear realized was back in October of 1999 when, by the grace of Touchdown Jesus, I was lucky enough between the wedding and the reception to catch a live glimpse of Shaun Alexander?s two late touchdown scampers in the Tide?s overtime upset victory over the mighty Gators. Oh yeah, I?d much prefer to join in the celebration of two people?s love rather than suffer through a 4‑hour war that'll be the talk of college football fans for years. Moral of the story: If you must get married anywhere from September to December, then, for the love of John Heisman, PLEASE do it on a Friday. This is one of the worst kind of fears because you know that everyone else is hearing Ron Franklin?s sweet intro to a Saturday night ESPN telecast while your sorry ass is waiting your turn in the receiving line. Simply disturbing.
2) Birthday Parties (and other meaningless gatherings)
You?re invited to your 2‑year‑old niece/nephew?s birthday party. You skipped this party last year (before the infant could walk) because it fell on the third Saturday in September and the Tennessee/Florida game was pitting two of the top‑five teams in the nation. The kid isn?t even going to remember whether you attended the party. You just want to hear?on Sunday?that your niece/nephew loved the Blues Clues video you splurged on, with the money you would rather have spent on the latest edition of the College Football Encyclopedia that you?ve had your eye on for the past few weeks. You?d gladly choose beer and chips over ice cream and cake, and the only thing you care about seeing unwrapped is the tin foil that?s covering your sub sandwich, which has been on your mind since Chris, Lee, and Kirk aired earlier that morning. You?d prefer to immerse yourself in your own ?war room environment? because you want to be able to whistle the CBS college football theme song rather than sing that damn ?Happy Birthday to You? melody. In this perilous situation, you can only hope that one of your relatives at the party shares your ?illness? and you wind up huddled around the 13‑inch television in your in‑law?s kitchen. Happy birthday to you.
3) National ?Breaking? News Reports
For it is written in the college football fan?s ?Ten Commandments of Network Television??Commandment number one states that breaking news stories should be flashed, in scrolled fashion, across the bottom of your television screen. You believe that if the current?events‑thirsty viewers want to learn more, they can switch to one of the other networks that have conveniently interrupted a syndicated Friends episode to show the live footage and interviews from the news‑breaking scene. The college football‑crazed lunatic doesn?t want to miss the 3rd and goal, early fourth‑quarter play that will determine whether Frank Solich is going to attempt a field goal, run the option, or run a 4th‑and‑goal play action to his reliable tight‑end, who is coming clear of an inadvertent pick off the opposing linebacker. Only a college football fan realizes that the Nebraska players aren?t going to wait for Peter Jennings? repetitive babble and the TV producer?s less‑than‑creative still photos of the news story centerpiece. You can only take solace in the fact that the rest of the nation shares your anguish. Only the 77,600 ticket holders in Memorial Stadium are immune to this network faux pas. Meanwhile, the game continues while the football fan catatonically sits through the first few seconds of the breaking news update before launching his final chicken wing in a rage that splashes Louisiana Hot Sauce all over his JVC.
4) Severe Weather
Thunderstorms, hail storms, tornadoes, strong winds, ice storms. If any one of these meteorological pitfalls happens to occur over the course of a college football Saturday, it can be the kryptonite of any digital cable or satellite system?s super‑capabilities. We all pay homage to the god who created the ABC/ESPN Gameplan, and the college football disciple realizes that $89.99 is mere ?chump change? when presented with the opportunity to watch at least twenty different games on a given Saturday. Heaven forbid that one of the football gods might mention to Mother Nature that she?s having a bad hair day, which will surely cause your satellite dish or cable system to succumb to her powers. This tragic weather‑induced phenomenon has yet to bring me to my knees. However, the paranoid mind cannot escape the urge to tune into the Weather Channel on a Friday night. Visions of pigskins, rivalry games, fourth‑quarter comebacks, and USC cheerleaders dance through my head like sugarplums and lollipops when I know that the local forecast for Saturday calls for clear skies.
5) Your Child?s Soccer Game
Eventually, all of us must grow up (to some extent). We joke about the possibility that our kid?s soccer game (or any youth sport, for that matter) may share the same time slot with a Texas‑Oklahoma Red River War. We say that there?s no way we?d miss the focal point of the Texas State Fair to watch a bunch of second‑graders run around in a herd‑like fashion and kick one another?s shins. Let?s not kid ourselves (no pun intended). We?ll just have to bring our headphones to the soccer game and hope that little Johnny?s/Susie?s mom or dad doesn?t try to bend our ear about the upcoming PTA meeting next Tuesday night. Truth be told, we love our children more than college football, but we go to church to pray that we may never have to decide between the two. For we all know that an error during moral ?crunch time? may cause a judge to rule that we see our kids only on the second and fourth weekends of each month for the rest of our lives. A small ?sacrifice? is necessary here unless we want our children to end up choosing to live in a tool shed in Montana and write paranoid anti‑government manifestos. Although, if I were a betting man, I?d have to guess that Mr. Kaczynski probably didn?t teach little Teddy to appreciate the beauty of college football.