ytd:-2-2 plays--2-1 leans
All of these are leans for now--some will move to plays, some will stay leans and some might get eliminated. Still looking--gl Last week mostly unders --this week overs?:0corn
Oh St ov 59'
CU ov 62'
G Tech ov 54'
Ia ov 52
Cal un 61
Ark ov 54
KY ov 57
Neb ov 54
Pur ov 51'
All of these are leans for now--some will move to plays, some will stay leans and some might get eliminated. Still looking--gl Last week mostly unders --this week overs?:0corn
Oh St ov 59'
CU ov 62'
G Tech ov 54'
Ia ov 52
Cal un 61
Ark ov 54
KY ov 57
Neb ov 54
Pur ov 51'