Hi, I have been working on something pretty simple and it seems to be working pretty well. I have always heard that Vegas does not spend as much time on totals as they do on sides. The reason being that most all the money bet is on sides. Anyway, I have not posted my totals plays anywhere, I will post them this comming weekend, I was wondering if anyone here does totals and if we could bounce our totals off each ohter. I am not asking to share info on how we arrive at our totals, I just want to say for this game I have this total etc. and see how out totals match each other. I can obtain totals for each game, I may not play them, I look for certain things in a total before I make a play. The totals that I post will be the ones that I play, also, I mostly play FIRST quarter totals. Here is where I have had the most sucess and it seems to me here is where Vegas spends the least amount of time or at least is the weakest when it comes to giving a line. It is also very exciting and intense because unlike playing a side or a total for the game we are done with a quarter pretty quickly. Thanks.