Trade i was offered

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
See you can do that because you know half the guys in the league. I can't get anyone to respond to me with anything. If I do make an offer I am usually at least expecting a counter but I don't even get that. Sucks.

What guys are you offering too? I'm not working my deal with any of the guys I know. Just a lot of back and forth.


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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
See you can do that because you know half the guys in the league. I can't get anyone to respond to me with anything. If I do make an offer I am usually at least expecting a counter but I don't even get that. Sucks.

I haven't heard anything either from them. Maybe you offered an insulting trade? A lot of times I don't respond either, I like to let the other owner stew on it a while... :mj07:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I haven't heard anything either from them. Maybe you offered an insulting trade? A lot of times I don't respond either, I like to let the other owner stew on it a while... :mj07:

I don't offer insulting trades. Now people may get a bit pissy because they have an exaggerated opinion of their players worth or value but I always initiate trades with the intent of simply starting some dialogue between the the owner and myself. For instance I offered Betone Floyd and Law Firm I think for Megatron. He only has one RB and that is a more than fair trade. You have to take each player at their face value. Megatron has not performed as many had hoped while the two I offered have performed well. Maybe Law Firm hasn't put up stunning numbers but he has been up against some very stout defenses. He will put up better numbers in the next few weeks while facing lesser defenses.
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Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
I don't offer insulting trades. Now people may get a bit pissy because they have an exaggerated opinion of their players worth or value but I always initiate trades with the intent of simply starting some dialogue between the the owner and myself. For instance I offered Betone Floyd and Law Firm I think for Megatron. He only has one RB and that is a more than fair trade. You have to take each player at their face value. Megatron has not performed as many had hoped while the two I offered have performed well. Maybe Law Firm hasn't put up stunning numbers but he has been up against some very stout defenses. He will put up better numbers in the next few weeks while facing lesser defenses.

Dude! That's not fair! BJGE and Malcolm Floyd for Megatron? :nono:
I think when you make an offer you should put yourself in the other persons shoes and look honestly at whether you would even consider that offer or not. That helps to keep from insulting people.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Dude! That's not fair! BJGE and Malcolm Floyd for Megatron? :nono:
I think when you make an offer you should put yourself in the other persons shoes and look honestly at whether you would even consider that offer or not. That helps to keep from insulting people.

Insulting people? Seriously, I really hope you are kidding here brother. You tried to trade me Witten and Hunter for Pitta and Antonio Brown man, really? As a matter of fact, I believe that Bleeding Purple has even replied twice to your offers by saying that he was insulted by your offer, right? So your saying that a starting back and a starting number one for a number one receiver isn't fair, but Kendall Hunter and a defense that only has 19 more points than the D I already have for my starting RB LeShoure and the leagues number one kicker is fair though, right?

You need to look at the points and the production of the players this year not last year. Law Firm has been held in check by playing three of the top ten defenses to start the season, but has also been a consistent performer. I know he is no Kendall Hunter for sure, but Floyd has the 10 less targets and same number of touchdowns as Megatron this year. You may think that reputation and history count for something, but it doesn't mean shit when the players are underperforming.
Megatron has not performed well at all this year due to constant double and triple teaming and the poor play of the all around team. You got A.J. Green for Bradshaw prior to his one good game, and Vincent Jackson who is sitting on his bench. I should have vetoed that trade straight away but I figured if Box was foolish enough to take it than so be it.
I like the hell out of you Deezy but if anyone is insulting in their trade offers it is the guy who offered me Phillip Rivers and Vjax for Matt Ryan and Julio Jones...........that was you..........remember that little gem?

While I am sure that Betone will take a look at what he needs to continue his winning ways, he only has one RB. He will have to make a trade sooner or later, period. He will not be able to rely on an empty bench.

Also, notice I have never objected to any trades in our league, nor have I commented on them. It isn't something I like to do and I certainly don't expect it to happen to me when I don't do it to others.

Also, look at the numbers, that is a VERY FAIR trade and benefits both teams. You are wrong about that. Megatron has two 100 yard games and 1 TD. Floyd has two 100 yard games and 1 touchdown. Megatron has 29 receptions and Floyd had 20, so where is the big disparity? Now add the 7 receptions, 300 rushing yards and 2 TD's from Green Ellis and please explain to me how it is unfair? Is it unfair because I may get Johnson for two starters and he turned down the bench players you offered him, because the numbers certainly don't support your argument.

Other than that, looking forward to playing you this week. Hope Floyd doesn't pound you for another hundy and a TD. Only because I don't want to have to keep rejecting trade offers of Jaquizz Rodgers and Brandon Bolden for him and Jones.

Still love ya brother, very much so, but that offer is not an insult. Having it called out on a public forum as one is though.

Hope that helps,


Registered User
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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA, This is a great thread. let the feelings all come out boys.. I love it. You think BJGE and Flloyd for Megatron was fair?

i guess I look at it differently I guess. I don't look at the stats they currently have. I kind of do my own projected stats. BJGE could go ape shit nuts though but I would assume Megatron could get more in trade value..

I like getting FDC riled up.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA, This is a great thread. let the feelings all come out boys.. I love it. You think BJGE and Flloyd for Megatron was fair?

i guess I look at it differently I guess. I don't look at the stats they currently have. I kind of do my own projected stats. BJGE could go ape shit nuts though but I would assume Megatron could get more in trade value..

I like getting FDC riled up.

Okay so what if I said Mendenhall and Floyd? Mendy has played one game but he is more famous?!! What about Dez White? He was drafted ahead of Reggie Wayne, would you trade Reggie for Dez? Would you trade Reggie for Andre Johnson? You would have prior to the start of the season though, so you damn sure do look at the present numbers. You can say you don't but you are full of shit too. Look at Maclin's numbers? What about Colston? He hasn't done shit, would you trade him for Alfred Morris? You would have prior to the season. I traded Chris Johnson for Mikel LeShoure based on numbers and production not history. So fuck yes it is more than fair. Look at the projected stats all you want and it still is fair.


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Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Well no I wouldn't trade Reggie Wayne for any WR right now. You know as long as he is healthy his future stats will be good. Andre Johnson is too risky but yea at the beginning of the season I would of rather had Johnson, but I did have Wayne high on my boards. I have him in two leagues and would of had him in a third but Hedgey snatched him out of my claws. I tried to trade him Turner for him at the beginning of the year and he would not. So I had to settle for Decker for turner. Considering I fleeced Packers4life before the season started, it gave me a lot more flexibility.

Thanks Packers4life for making my team better.


I shouldn't give him too much shit, I tailied his Cardinals team total over..

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
smart and real cool guys here..

everybody remain that way..

difference of opinions..

ya either like the offers or ya don't..

league members should be reviewing every proposed trade and saying ya or na if they so choose.

CRIS..ya in a tuff spot being the commish..

we appreciate your being the very best ya can be..and no doubt you will do just that

anybody who reads these threads can site many reasons why a trade is good or bad or to which side..

lets try to remember that all of us rate players our own way..

if ya want to know my thoughts..tell Benson to get well soon..:142smilie

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Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
hate is a terrible word..

may I suggest you trade hate for strongly dislike.
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Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
I don't have time to reply to everything, but I'll do my best. First off, let's just all relax here.
I proposed a few trades that insulted you and you did the same. My apologies for causing any emotional damage to your fantasy ego. Once I saw that you drafted Julio in the 1st round, I realized that you had a sick man-crush on him and I stopped bothering you. Sorry, I didn't see that before, but I missed the first 6 rounds of our draft because CBS can suck my dick, okay? :lol:
Clearly, I am not the only one who thinks that Megatron deal isn't fair. BP is with me on that. If two people trying to make a deal have players rated differently, you can't mad because they don't agree. You gotta just move on.
As for the Bradshaw/VJax for Green trade, you and I (and others I'm sure) both thought I got the better end of that deal, but that was before Sunday's game. I had a feeling Bradshaw would go off (not to that extent of course) and I was hoping the trade wouldn't go through until next week for that very reason. Now after this weekend, I don't think anyone can say that the trade was unfair. Bradshaw put up 37 pts for fucks sake.
So, like I said, let's all just fuckin' relax, drink a Caucasian and keep proposing trades. Sorry I ever mentioned anything about insulting anyone.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I don't have time to reply to everything, but I'll do my best. First off, let's just all relax here.
I proposed a few trades that insulted you and you did the same. My apologies for causing any emotional damage to your fantasy ego. Once I saw that you drafted Julio in the 1st round, I realized that you had a sick man-crush on him and I stopped bothering you. Sorry, I didn't see that before, but I missed the first 6 rounds of our draft because CBS can suck my dick, okay? :lol:
Clearly, I am not the only one who thinks that Megatron deal isn't fair. BP is with me on that. If two people trying to make a deal have players rated differently, you can't mad because they don't agree. You gotta just move on.
As for the Bradshaw/VJax for Green trade, you and I (and others I'm sure) both thought I got the better end of that deal, but that was before Sunday's game. I had a feeling Bradshaw would go off (not to that extent of course) and I was hoping the trade wouldn't go through until next week for that very reason. Now after this weekend, I don't think anyone can say that the trade was unfair. Bradshaw put up 37 pts for fucks sake.
So, like I said, let's all just fuckin' relax, drink a Caucasian and keep proposing trades. Sorry I ever mentioned anything about insulting anyone.

Oh I am sure he is sitting somewhere laughing his ass off over all this. I know I am, we are all just that competitive. Not only is there nice cash on the line but it's also pride if you will. Nobody wants to finish last and some would give up their first born to win.. (Not Serious Old School)