Trading day plays

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Jun 5, 2001
On a bit of slide this week. Liking tonights card though

Yesterday: 0-2
Week: 2-5
YTD: 21-22

Nets -3.5
This goes against one of betting principles which is never bet against Jordan. Nets will not overlook this game. No telling how Jordans knee is, nonetheless I expect him to play well but I still don't see it being enough. One note against the Nets is McCullough is doubtful. NJ too many weapons.

Over 202 LA/Orl
I almost never play totals but this one looks juicy. Magic on 3+ days of rest tends to shoot lights out. This game has the look of a track meet.

Celtics +5.5 Taking a flier here on the hope the Mavs will not be focused after hearing about the trade and with the Kings on deck. Celtics are bound to be a lil weary but the fresh legs of Delk and Rogers should help.

Kings +2 Anytime I can get points with this I'm in. They are flat out more talented than the Spurs. Spurs beat the teams they should beat but do not have the firepower to stick with the kings