Ferdville is TOTALLY right. This is a mindless, unrearched, profit-driven, cater-to- the-lowest-common denominator list of casino fluff. Here are my thoughts on these "choices."
10. The Venetician -- Mainly high rollers or "whales"
-- belings on the list. No argument. Probably belongs higher.
9. The Rio -- Best free show in town
-- what "free show?" Excellent casino. Defintely top ten material.
8. The Bellagio -- Biggest poker room in vegas
-- Should probably be #1 (this, or the Mirage). An insult to be ranked here.
7. Binions Horseshoe -- Good for Blackjack
-- If this was made 20 years ago, Binions belongs. But it has no business in the same breath as the Bellagio or the Venetian. No shows, no frills, but the trouble is -- they don't really cater to REAL gamblers anynore like during the days when Benny and Jack ran the palce. It's lost its luster.
6. Stardust -- Best sportsbook
-- Agree, and it's struggling to not fall into the second-tier of casinos. Inevitably, it will decline.
5. Green Valley --Slot players
-- no knowledge. Any casino for "slot players" is basically a chump dump. Brainless zombies who deserve to lose.
4. The Lady Luck --Best comps in vegas
-- I actually agree. Horrible location off of main downtown area. but remarkably efficient and a great value.
3. The Stratosphere --Best Odds at most games
-- This place was a dump before it opened its doors. It fell into bankruptcy 3 months after it opened. Whoever made this list and put the Strosphere should be shot. An idiot.
2. The Palms -- Video Poker
-- Too "trendy" for me. It's where all the beautiful peopole go, so it makes the list. Let's see where this place is in 3 years.
1. MGM Grand --Largest Casino 150 tables and 3100 slots
-- An idiotic choice. Bigger is NOT better. This is the venomous snake of the casino industry that ullustrates everything that has gone wrong with the industry in the last decade -- from the corporatization of gambling, to it's impersonal (everyone is a number) mentality. A horrid choice that is the crowning acheivement of a terrible list.
Nolan Dalla