Tribe-M's game 2

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Jan 20, 2000
Taking a look at game 2 today. As mentioned, Moyer has owned the Tribe this year, 0.64 era in 14 innings over two games. Finley, who's been bothered by a sore neck, shoulder and other candy ass injuries all year, has pitched below average, until this september when he suddenly got healthy and went 3-1 with a 3.52 era to finish the season. He says he's at top form and some of the regulars have noticed the gleem in his eye for this game. He's only pitched two innings againts the M's this year due to the said candy ass injuries. As you can tell, I'm not the biggest Finley fan, and I'm in the majority here in Cleveland.

Finley is also pitching today, because the Tribe braintrust would rather have a 39 year old pitch on 3 days rest in game 5, in needed, instead of a much younger Sabathia who has never done it. So I expect a quick hook for Finley if he gets down early or just isn't effective. I certainly don't see him going more than 6 or 7.

Manuel and some of the indians are talking openly of how they will approach Moyer. Manuel says he has followed Moyer since he was in the minors and that the Tribe batsmen will crowd the plate to take away the outside corner, and shorten their swings. This worked against Maddux in game 5 of the 1995 World Series. We shall see. What is important is that Moyer is only 3-7 against the Tribe before this year. So they have figured him out in the past. I also like that the Tribe has had time to mentally prepare for Moyer's junk and isn't facing him the day after facing a hurler like Garcia.

Some numbers for the hitters on each side against these two hurlers for you to chew on. Olerud, Cameron, Bell and Boone are batting a combined .111 (6-54) against Chuckster. Vizquel is batting .378 (14-37) against Moyer, Robbie only .238 (10-42) and Burks a .154 (2-13). I lost my stats with all the hitters vs. pitchers in this series, and don't have time to find it online. If someone could get me a site with this sort of info, I would appreciate. I can tell you that Juan Gone probably has no chance to hit Moyer the way he's been swinging.

So what to do. I'm already sitting on a +250 series ticket (actually got this from a local). Finley is pumped and has pitched better down the stretch. Moyer has been hit a bit down the stretch, 5.4 era last three in 18 innings. I feel we are getting some value on this line at -200 because of the Best Record Ever, Ichiro and now the proverbial Must Win situation. Houston was in the Must Win yesterday and their a'holes were tighter than a gnat's ass.

I'm playing the Tribe for a small amount and possibly the under if I can get a nine. The under is more of a hedge, since I think Seattle will win a low scoring game if the Tribe can't get to Moyer. The over seems to be popular, so I will look a bit closer before playing the total.