From CT an can't help,But since you mentioned your looking to catch a lunker bass,True fishing story :mj07: I fished water co. propriety for 2 years awhile back,On the back end of the lake was where my lunker hung out,The water was about 6 feet deep and lead to a stream There was an old stump sticking out on the edge of land,For 2 years I tryed spinners,poppers,every rubber they made ,powerbait,kellys,shinners ,real worms,Even salt water eels,trout equipment,meal worms,Fucer jus laughed at me,One item this place did have was a shit load of bullfrogs an never dawned on me to try what the lake feed this fucer till while on shore an my son was getting bored he caught a big poppa bullfrog,Well needless to say the 1st attempt failed if you ever hook a frog they will in flat like a balloon an blow around with the wind upside down motionless :shrug: So I sent the rugrat off for more kermit and this time used a double bass hook adhered by elastic band,Gently tossed him towards the stump an he proceeded to do his last breast stoke,It was one of the greatest catches of my life,hair standing up on my arms heart fibulating :com: Land the lunker moe!! Life at its best,gl2u.