Very interesting read, as a Vietnam Vet I can relate strongly
to the article....war without objective end is a horrific waste.
My dad was a WW2 vet, looking back 25 years afterwards, he hated war, but saw the necessity of fighting the Nazis and Japanese. (He never bought a Jap made car, he did develop a taste for German food though) RIP Dad, you were unique.
Good read, hope it gets some serious reads before it is jettisoned to political...shame, Americans need to wake up....
Never forget? Most veterans don't give a shit about America's perpetual warfare
by hedgeless_horseman
Some mornings I stop in a local coffee shop where there are always 5-10 older men drinking coffee and shootin' the bull.
Many of them are Vietnam War veterans, and they often wear their US Military baseball caps and biker vests with patches that say, "Never Forget!"
I like to occasionally chat with them as I am waiting for my order, and sometimes I will throw out a little truth bomb, or a question, in a small attempt to get them to question the government propaganda that they are fed via the television that is on constantly in the coffee shop, and likely also in their homes.
As a kid, I was taught that the United States of America went to war in Vietnam to stop the proliferation of communism.
The US government's rhetoric, repeated to me by my father, was that if we didn't stop the communists in Vietnam, then they would take over the world.
So, we trained our young men to hate and kill communists.
REST of read here...
We lost the Vietnam War.
But the communists did not take over the world.
Today, Americans are making assloads of money exporting manufactured goods from Communist Vietnam.
Why did Americans fight and die in Vietnam?
I was told that The United States of America went to war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in American history, because the Afghanis were harboring a Saudi Arabian, Osama Bin Ladin, that was allegedly the masterminded behind the 15 other Saudi Arabians, 2 United Arab Emirates citizens, 1 Egyptian, and 1 Lebanese that allegedly perpetrated 9-11.
The US government's rhetoric was that if we didn't hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, then the Muslims would plan and execute other terrorist attacks on the USA.
So, we trained our young men to hate and kill Muslims.
to the article....war without objective end is a horrific waste.
My dad was a WW2 vet, looking back 25 years afterwards, he hated war, but saw the necessity of fighting the Nazis and Japanese. (He never bought a Jap made car, he did develop a taste for German food though) RIP Dad, you were unique.
Good read, hope it gets some serious reads before it is jettisoned to political...shame, Americans need to wake up....
Never forget? Most veterans don't give a shit about America's perpetual warfare
by hedgeless_horseman
Some mornings I stop in a local coffee shop where there are always 5-10 older men drinking coffee and shootin' the bull.
Many of them are Vietnam War veterans, and they often wear their US Military baseball caps and biker vests with patches that say, "Never Forget!"
I like to occasionally chat with them as I am waiting for my order, and sometimes I will throw out a little truth bomb, or a question, in a small attempt to get them to question the government propaganda that they are fed via the television that is on constantly in the coffee shop, and likely also in their homes.
As a kid, I was taught that the United States of America went to war in Vietnam to stop the proliferation of communism.
The US government's rhetoric, repeated to me by my father, was that if we didn't stop the communists in Vietnam, then they would take over the world.
So, we trained our young men to hate and kill communists.
REST of read here...
We lost the Vietnam War.
But the communists did not take over the world.
Today, Americans are making assloads of money exporting manufactured goods from Communist Vietnam.
Why did Americans fight and die in Vietnam?
I was told that The United States of America went to war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in American history, because the Afghanis were harboring a Saudi Arabian, Osama Bin Ladin, that was allegedly the masterminded behind the 15 other Saudi Arabians, 2 United Arab Emirates citizens, 1 Egyptian, and 1 Lebanese that allegedly perpetrated 9-11.
The US government's rhetoric was that if we didn't hunt down and kill Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, then the Muslims would plan and execute other terrorist attacks on the USA.
So, we trained our young men to hate and kill Muslims.