trying to remember which Adam Curtis flic had the following archival footage


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Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
I'm trying to remember which of his documentaries, and which episode, had the footage of the experiment regarding the monkey. Might have been a Rhesus Macaque but it was a monkey, regardless. Some experimenters had it tied up--immobile, in essence--with its head in a spring-locked vice setup. Apparently trying to test for the effects of trauma to the head, or something.

I just re-watched The Andromeda Strain (1971) and some footage in there reminded me of this; a moment in this '71 flic annoyed me as after they tested the effects of the airborne infection on a mouse--which died within seconds--the suggestion by one of the scientists was then to 'let's try a Rhesus', referring to one of their guinea pig monkeys. Nice footage of that fucker dying quickly, too.

I bailed with about 20 minutes to go to play play some poker and hear some tunes. I'm about to finish and I presume they may have some film-ending statement about 'no animals being harmed during this filming', but it was 1971 so I'm no sure what odds I'd set on that.

While Adam Curtis films have to be taken with a grain of salt, I find that the archival footage contained within makes them very worthwhile viewing. This monkey-vice footage mentioned has stayed with me--truly one of the most horrible things I have ever seen (and I've seen some goofy shit, save avoiding the odd turn-off like Daniel Pearl-type videos, which I've passed on) and I am tempted to revisit my angst, but I don't want to rewatch any more Curtis' videos than I have to; he has a shitload.

I was remembering Century of the Self, but that might be wrong. Might be Pandora's box, trying to guess from the descriptions at the following:

If anybody can remember, and save me time, it would be appreciated.

Just trying some youtube quick scans (all the bbc shit is there, his flics, at least) and I also think it might be 'The Trap-whatever had to our dream of freedom'.

Short clip. I dunno. Gonna try some more google prayers.
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No clue on your question but I am going to watch some Adam Curtis videos for sure.


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Feb 22, 2001
Curtis' stuff is great for the archival footage that he includes. He's a little on the freaky-left side (whatever that means) so his interpretations have to be taken with a grain of salt, but his videos are certainly interesting.

I think the vid in question was from one of his psychological experiments critique flics, for which he has a few series on. I just remember seeing it and wondering what the funk the point of that mammal-kill was; I remember myself freeing a mouse off of a sticky board that is was stuck to, about 10-12 years ago, so I guess I figure that the unnecessary killing of certain critters is...I dunno...

Anyways, Jack (and other living viewers), good to see you're still creating more entropy for the universe.
I just joined your over-50 club (May 27th), managing to survive the corresponding self-punishment/enjoyment that I chose.

I haven't been around much due to a newfound aversion to the crazy attention-seeking craze that seems to permeate the internet these days, but its nice to have the option if I seek it (not the attention, but whatever BS shit I'm trying to comprehend that google is unable to enlighten me on).

Peace be with whoevas. Maybe run into ya in the 'sports bar' as I'm starting late today (Russia time) due to heat-wave apologetics.
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