tues may 20


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Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Eye bean preoccupied buy sum preoccupations.

32-33 +5.05
ml 21-17 +6.06 (woof 13-9 +5.74) (meow 8-8 +0.32)
tot 6-6 +0.85 (ov 5-6 -0.15) (un 1-0 +1.0)
team tot 1-1 0
1st5 2-5 -1.71 (side 2-4 -1.2) (tot 0-1 -0.51)
parl 2-4 -0.15

--error note:for May 3 (last app.) total wrongly posted as +6.59, shoulda been +6.55,
corrected forthwith, for anyone discriminating enthusiastically

a's -106 0.53/0.5
seat@Tex un9 -115 1.15/1
yankees -1.5 +105 1/1.05

--oak 7-day OPS at .945 (over 9 runs/game) while Rays .555 (3.5 per game); Rays just
5-8 vs L this year including 1-3 at home; Rays 1-7 their last 8 at home

--Iwakuma looking sharp, has tolerable numbers vs, Rangers still/constantly missing
some key sticks and have a 7-day OPS (home for 3 and @Hou for 3) of .610 while
averaging 3 runs per game; after some struggles Lewis looked great in his last,
at Hou, and has tolerable numbers vs while m's, since scoring 12 on the 12th,
have scored 2,2,4,3,6 (last @Nolasco & grim Twins pen) and should be without
1B Corey Hart for the Texas trip (albeit hitting .209 but his 5 HR are 4th on club
behind Zunino, Smoak & Seager w/6 each); grain-of-salt weather forecast predicts
strong wind blowing in from right

--hard to argue with Tanaka's results...he dominated the Cubs at home on April 16th
and of the 7 games he's started that the yanks won--in his 8 starts--the yanks have
won 6 of them by multiple runs; yanks .807 OPS last 7 days avg.5.5 per game, though
Cubs above their season mark with 7-day of .759 avg.almost 6 per game; Hammel having
a solid season though club has lost his last 3 starts with his worst go coming in his
last at Stl and the yanks have seen him plenty and have good numbers vs, with
Beltran, Ellsbury, Jeter, Johnson, Roberts, Suzkuki and Texeira all greatly enjoying
his company while even Soriano & McCann are a combined 7-for-18 (.250) with Soriano's
3 hits being 2 dbl's and and HR; medium wind--good enough at Wrigley--allegedly blowing
out to center though 30% chance of isolated T-storms

cin -113
Mia -108
mil +129
Col +115
tor +128
seat -113
balt +124

other quickie notes:
--Descalafini best trait is that he throws strikes while Burnett's biggest detriment
is the inability to do so--check ump, here; Marlins rockin' at home
--cold Gallardo has very good numbers vs in 8 including 3 at Turner where he's 1-1;
Teheran a fly-ball pitcher and slight wind out to center projected
--Rienzo 5 HR allowed last 3 starts (16.1 ip) and medium wind out to left, but KC not
exactly smoking the ball this season (6 HR last 6 games, mind you...that is, before
their 0 on Monday, with a decent wind blowing towards left--sox hit 3 off of
started Vargas)
--'A wise man lives as long as he ought, not as long as he can'
(Seneca, though I'm guessing not in English)

Yes, that was overkill.

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