a stunning 4-1 last night runs record to 9-13. must search for new out today as unexpected turnaround causes my local to commit suicide by self immolation because of unrequitted grief over death of cash cow. by virtue of last night results, i have decided to start my own pay service in order to capitalize on my reincarnated handicapping prowess. my technical support team is now fervorishing working on my new site, and soon you will find a link available at the bottom of my thread that will automatically take you to a page where you can make an appropriate love offering with your favorite credit card. o mommy, i am hot now. until then, free plays will continue herein. one play for today with writeup, as my newfound winning ways have me feeling a bit more chatty:
se mo state +12: have a hunch that se mo's 6-22 record last year has something to do with today's dd line as i make the game wisc-milk - 4-. panthers are 1-1, losing at wisky and pulling out a narrow 77-75 home court win over miss valley state, a team inferior to se mo imo. uwm play has been plagued by poor shooting and to's, which were responsible for panthers blowing 16 second half lead against mvs. panthers thus far shooting only 26.7% behind the arc. this game will feature 21' 6'' 3 pt line which should favor the better shooting indians. se mo, also 1-1, will get two key players back today, sr tim scheer and jr reggie goolson, which should improve team depth and experience. also like travel setup coming into tourney. se mo left tuesday night for new orleans while uwm was back n milwaukee struggling through the miss valley state game. all things considered, this game should play out within the dd line.
gl to all today, and have the happiest of thanksgivings while considering how blessed we all are.
se mo state +12: have a hunch that se mo's 6-22 record last year has something to do with today's dd line as i make the game wisc-milk - 4-. panthers are 1-1, losing at wisky and pulling out a narrow 77-75 home court win over miss valley state, a team inferior to se mo imo. uwm play has been plagued by poor shooting and to's, which were responsible for panthers blowing 16 second half lead against mvs. panthers thus far shooting only 26.7% behind the arc. this game will feature 21' 6'' 3 pt line which should favor the better shooting indians. se mo, also 1-1, will get two key players back today, sr tim scheer and jr reggie goolson, which should improve team depth and experience. also like travel setup coming into tourney. se mo left tuesday night for new orleans while uwm was back n milwaukee struggling through the miss valley state game. all things considered, this game should play out within the dd line.
gl to all today, and have the happiest of thanksgivings while considering how blessed we all are.