Two Pac-10 Night caps

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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
USC -4....Cal is better than last weeks performance..USC is better than they have shown...important game to get under their belts last week for usc to get barkley back in rythm....Offenses are about equal...USC has the better D....Stafon Johnson's injury brings this team closer and they will make Cal unravel again.....USC 27 - Cal 17

Washington State +35....Something about a bad team with nothing to lose playing a team coming off an emotional high after dismantling a Cal team....didnt appear to me that Oregon is acknowleding this Cougar team, rather the talk has been about Blount this week....Wassou's young QB also looked well in the pocket and elusive against USC last week.....

Oregon 37 - Wash St 17
