5-3 + 1.5 units
wind blowing in from right-center 23 mph
10-20 from ne 1 game 6run total
" " N total av. 7.9
redmond av game is 8 with 10o and 16u
phill av is 10.2 with 3o and 2u
ump is 13 o and 14 u with aver of 8.81 a game
wind blowing in from right-center 23 mph
10-20 from ne 1 game 6run total
" " N total av. 7.9
redmond av game is 8 with 10o and 16u
phill av is 10.2 with 3o and 2u
ump is 13 o and 14 u with aver of 8.81 a game