i hope pud reads this and thanks whatever deity he prays to...cause he`s a verrry lucky man...
""The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized and launched by al Qaeda leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect?s underwear before sending him on his mission, federal authorities tell ABC News.
Investigators say the suspect had more than 80 grams of PETN, a compound related to nitro-glycerin used by the military. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, had only about 50 grams kin his failed attempt in 2001 to blow up a U.S.-bound jet. Yesterday?s bomb failed because the detonator may have been too small or was not in ?proper contact? with the explosive material, investigators told ABC News.""
basically,exploding underwear...
""Published reports in Nigeria said Abdulmutallab's father had contacted the U.S. embassy six months ago about concerns his son had become radicalized and could pose a threat to the U.S. One report said the father could not understand why his son was allowed to board a flight to the U.S. given his warning.""...
whoa!! wtf is going on? ..first, fort hood, now this. ...what does a terrorist have to do these days for someone in authority to take the threat seriously?.....
damn pud...your lottery ticket apparently hit.....i`m happy for you and every other innocent on that flight....
i hope pud reads this and thanks whatever deity he prays to...cause he`s a verrry lucky man...
""The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized and launched by al Qaeda leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect?s underwear before sending him on his mission, federal authorities tell ABC News.
Investigators say the suspect had more than 80 grams of PETN, a compound related to nitro-glycerin used by the military. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, had only about 50 grams kin his failed attempt in 2001 to blow up a U.S.-bound jet. Yesterday?s bomb failed because the detonator may have been too small or was not in ?proper contact? with the explosive material, investigators told ABC News.""
basically,exploding underwear...
""Published reports in Nigeria said Abdulmutallab's father had contacted the U.S. embassy six months ago about concerns his son had become radicalized and could pose a threat to the U.S. One report said the father could not understand why his son was allowed to board a flight to the U.S. given his warning.""...
whoa!! wtf is going on? ..first, fort hood, now this. ...what does a terrorist have to do these days for someone in authority to take the threat seriously?.....
damn pud...your lottery ticket apparently hit.....i`m happy for you and every other innocent on that flight....