update on trades ax.un cco, and bbd.b and a dumb investment idea


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Jul 16, 1999
ax.un artis reit on Toronto was sold for 13.75 bought 13.10 last thread. of coarse could have sold at 13.90 all week long, but still not a bad trade, will look at it again in the low 13s.

CCO is basically still at 29.16cdn. trades on toronto and nyse. so small profit, basically flat. will sell a covered call on the stock in the coming week. Japan will last for a while, and stock will be in a range of 28-30. major support should be around 25.

so will sell a covered call 30 and collect some premium.

bbd.b have a small holding (toronto) and it is finally showiing a gain, the stock went up .83 to 7.13
the company earned .18 a share for the quarter when estimates were around .11.

plane orders are up, order backlog is building nicely and margins are improving. the stock should earn around .45 .50 this year...and .55 and .57 2013.

so slow but growing earnings...main threat is if the economies of the world retreat, then less planes and trains will be ordered, or the ones ordered, cancelled.
C series is on schedule, hold/buy, could hit $8 18 month target, now 7.13 cdn.

Wednesday heard an interview with some portfolio managers, and one thought it was a great idea to short sr. gold companies.

that is off the charts dangerous, these sr. gold producer have not went up to the same extent as the gold price, so some are trading like value stocks.

if gold does not break then shorting sr. gold stocks, could be a very expensive idea.
also if gold were to rally more there is very few sr. gold companies if people want to move into new positions....

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