2008 Tennis Record
Parlay 9-11
Head to Head 48-57
Over/Under 3-1
Game Spread 6-3
Prop 2-6
-0.86 units
Going to start off the event with a nice parlay :scared
Jie Zheng
Iveta Benesova
Sergio Roitman +10.5 games
Michael Llodra
Andrey Golubev
odds = $8.21 *1 unit
Parlay 9-11
Head to Head 48-57
Over/Under 3-1
Game Spread 6-3
Prop 2-6
-0.86 units
Going to start off the event with a nice parlay :scared
Jie Zheng
Iveta Benesova
Sergio Roitman +10.5 games
Michael Llodra
Andrey Golubev
odds = $8.21 *1 unit