USC Football Players in trouble...

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Apr 7, 2000
As much as I hate to say this, there is trouble brewing at USC. According to news reports, there are member or members of the USC football team being investigated for sexual assault.

May be time to get on the line before it goes off the board.

The SC messageboards have been buzzing all day. Started with someone reporting that 14 SC players are being investigated. Other rumors is that it is 3 star players being investigated. Nothing confirmed except the investigation is going on.
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Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I am really surprised at all the USC fan's surprise that this happens. There will always be side effects when you try to buy a powerhouse on the quick.
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Apr 7, 2000

I realize Scott has caused many to root for SC's demise, but cant this thread be kept to potetial information that might cause the line on the VT game to change?

Im hearing it is isolated to the offense side of the ball. Potentially one of the 3 rb's. Things have been flying around anywhere from 2 starters & 2 back ups to 3 starters.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Didn't mean for it to come out that way. Your rumours are probably better than mine, but Mike Williams has allegedly gone back to Tampa and left yesterday. Maybe it's to check on his family - maybe it's to cross state lines.

If it's the RBs, then there is no handicapping issue because they're stocked and there won't be a drop off.

Fight on U$C (cheap shot)


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Apr 7, 2000
PC was just on 1540 out in LA & didnt sound optimistic about MW. I think his quote was that "with all the paperwork that had to be filed, it is hard to be optimistic."

I guess he sounded down for the first time in four years.

I actually heard BMW left earlier than yesterday (I actually heard it before the weekend).

The police are saying it occured early monday morning.
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Jan 6, 2003
Hershel Dennis is the center of the investigation. He is the only player being disciplined by the team so far. Other players are involved, but as of now, it seems that HD is the one in serious trouble. If he's the only one lost, it probably helps SC cover the number against VT (barring injury to White or Bush).


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Apr 7, 2000
Dont discount the distraction factor. The LA media can be brutal. Tons of reporters at practice. Even heard there were helicopters flying over practice yesterday.

I agree with you that if it is just Dennis, Bush & White will pick up the slack.


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Geez, I get back from New Orleans and I find out Dennis is suspended. That sucks but like some posters in this thread stated it will not hurt USC at all. Dennis is a great running back but he was 3rd string behind Bush and White. Losing Dennis for the season would hurt USC depth wise at running back. As for the V-Tech game this "might" hurt your betting chances if your taking V-Tech because Bush and White will be getting even more carries! Bush is a homerun threat everytime he touches the ball. Dennis is more of your complete back who does everything well but nothing really exceptional.

I applaud Carroll for suspending Dennis from the team indefinitely (breaking team rules). :clap:

Here is the daily news article.

Sources: Dennis not yet queried
By Scott Wolf
Staff Writer

USC starting running back Hershel Dennis remained the focus of an alleged sexual assault investigation Wednesday, although he had not yet been questioned by police, sources said.
The alleged victim, a female friend of Dennis', told police Dennis was at the party but has not formally accused him of sexually assaulting her.

She also named two other players present at the apartment where the incident occurred but did not accuse them of wrongdoing, according to sources close to the investigation.

A Los Angeles police department spokesperson said Wednesday no charges have been filed and repeated a previous statement that police are "conducting an investigation into an allegation of sexual assault that may involve a member or members of the USC football team."

Dennis could not be reached for comment.

He remained on suspension from the football team Wednesday for disciplinary reasons, including breaking curfew the night of the incident. Coach Pete Carroll said he did not know how long it would last.

"It's indefinite," Carroll said. "That's a word that you would use in this case. I haven't really labeled it."

But sources said there's also a possibility Dennis' status could be reviewed by the end of the week and he possibly could be reinstated next week.

More details emerged Wednesday regarding the incident, which took place early Monday morning.

Sources said a small party involving fewer than 20 people -- mostly players and friends -- took place at the Cardinal Gardens apartment complex across the street from USC on Sunday night. The alleged victim arrived after 11 p.m., when players were supposed to be in bed.

Following the report of an alleged assault, the apartment was sealed off by police Monday morning, although everything appeared normal Wednesday, as students officially moved into the complex for the fall semester.

USC fullback Lee Webb, who is Dennis' best friend, lived with the running back back at the apartment during training camp. Webb said he has not spoken to Dennis since the suspension.

"He cut his phone off. I haven't talked to him," Webb said. "I think it's a big misunderstanding that will be cleared up shortly."

Carroll said Wednesday he had not heard anything new from the police.

Around 8 a.m. Wednesday, Carroll abruptly changed the time of practice from 3 p.m. to 10:15 a.m. It immediately produced speculation he made the switch to limit media and fan exposure to the team during practice.

But Carroll said he made the switch because he wanted to recreate pregame activities and hold a short walkthrough practice in the afternoon before taking the team to a downtown Los Angeles hotel Wednesday night.

The team will hold a mock game tonight at the Coliseum to simulate the evening start of next week's game with Virginia Tech.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
thats what USC gets when it recruits thugs and delinquents.

I woudn't be surprised if Mike Williams wasn't standing around
waiting for sloppy seconds.


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Jan 6, 2003
Scott4USC said:
As for the V-Tech game this "might" hurt your betting chances if your taking V-Tech because Bush and White will be getting even more carries!

See my post above, this was my thought exactly. Herschel Dennis is a pedestrian back, and was simply taking carries away from two studs. Now if either White or Bush gets dinged, I'm not sure either of them is ready to carry the full load.

BTW Scott, how great was that recruiting class once the clearing house got a hold of em???? :142lmao:


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Looks like Dennis is suspended indefinitely because they're waiting to gather more info before they decide what to do (smart move since the facts clearly aren't in yet). It's probably best for him and for the team. If the charges are dropped (which I think they will be), then IMO he'll be reinstated. This girl was his ex gf and she only told the police that she "knew" Dennis was at the small party. Remember, this girl was his ex gf. No matter what, Dennis did break team rules and he will and should be punished for that. Glad Carroll is putting the hammer down on him. This really hurts the team chemistry to have this happen only 2 weeks away from opening @V-Tech. This has been one of the WORST off-seasons for USC in terms of losing players who were expected to contribute this season due to injuries. USC has now lost, #1 OL, #1 TE, #1 FB, #3 TE, #1 WR (williams maybe), #3 WR (Lewis Academics) and now the #3 RB. Good Luck Pete Carroll!!!!

As for the Mike Williams situation. It looks like USC will here from the NCAA on Mon. or Tues. The rumor is if Williams passed his 2 summer school classes the NCAA will let him back in but will suspend him for 1-3 games (most likely 3 games). I disagree with the NCAA. They should let him back with no suspensions or NOT let him back period. No way Williams should be suspended because he did NOTHING wrong.

See my post above, this was my thought exactly. Herschel Dennis is a pedestrian back, and was simply taking carries away from two studs. Now if either White or Bush gets dinged, I'm not sure either of them is ready to carry the full load.

Yes I saw your post and I agree with you. I think Dennis is a great running back but Bush and White are simply better. Dennis would start on many div. 1a teams. (remember Dennis was a top 10 rated national RB out of high school) I agree with you that Bush might not be ready to carry the full load but White I am 100% sure can carry the full load. Lendale White is a Maurice Claret clone but maybe even a little faster. He is my favorite USC running back despite Bush being more talented and getting more publicity.

BTW Scott, how great was that recruiting class once the clearing house got a hold of em????

It was the #1 all time recruiting class and every freshman qualified and practiced with the team until few days ago. The NCAA is waiting to clear 4 or 5 of the freshman and one JC recruit. None of those players were expected to start or even contribute as 2nd string. It looks like USC will have 100% of their recruits qualify. They are just waiting to be cleared but they have practiced with the team up until last week. I think USC now wishes they took a running back last year if Dennis ends up being guilty of sexual assault.
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Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
I just found this out...

Someone on the radio stated that the woman made a statement, saying that NO football players were involved in the alleged assault. I repeat, NO!!!!

Hopefully we will hear news that the investigation has been dropped.

Hopefully the team will stop f8cking around and start concentrating on Virginia Tech. V-Tech will beat USC if they do not take them seriously.