Please explain what Dubya accomplished in private life.
Please explain how marrying well is any different than being a lucky sperm.
Please run down Dubya's congress voting record. "
In keeping with the basics GW has managed to to own a few business's (gas and oil/professional baseball team-- owned his own home/homes--stay married to same woman--raise family-was quite charitble with his prosperity.
and I'll let you answer for Kerry---
Evidently he married for love-- as he as well as his father and his father's father have remained married to same woman throughout life. Tough nowdays especially among the wealthy.Can't see where marrying Laura advanced him monitarily nor politically. While that might not mean much to some I judge it as a a postive character trait in respect to using good judgement initially and honoring the pledge in sickness or health till death do we part.
---and again I'll let you speak for Kerry
As for as voting record--I'll go a step further 1st we have his record as president which some dislike but apparently the majority seemed to like. It appears he picked up on issues where he left off as Gov of Texas--not much flip/flopping

"In 1994, Bush was elected governor of Texas, defeating the incumbent, Ann Richards. In office he won a reputation for being able to forge bipartisan coalitions with the conservative legislature's Democrats, and won passage of changes to tort laws and the welfare, public-school, and juvenile-justice systems. His most significant setback occurred when legislative Republicans deserted his tax-system overhaul. Bush was reelected in 1998 by a landslide."
and once again I'll let you speak for Kerry