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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Fake news from a fake news outlet?

Kind of funny when they write about someone being a mooch, while at the end of the "article", they mooch money from gullible readers like you.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2007
crossville tn
Fake news from a fake news outlet?

Kind of funny when they write about someone being a mooch, while at the end of the "article", they mooch money from gullible readers like you.
Fake news LOL is the debi cards free cell phones free housing Fake to .
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I cant get in on it im not a illegal and would not take it anyway i dont take hand outs i have worked for every thing i have
Then quit bitching about someone gaming the system. I've never heard a Republican in Washington bring this up, either. I wonder why that is?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
No, I think it's the ones telling you that poor, desperate brown people from foreign countries have it better than you once they cross our border.
i mean, picking crops and washing dishes for minimum wage (and sometimes less) ARE pretty sweet gigs. and it's really rude of those immigrants to come here and steal those jobs from americans.
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sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
i mean, picking crops and washing dishes for minimum wage (and sometimes less) ARE pretty sweet gigs. and it's really rude of those immigrants to come here and steal those jobs from americans.
The city of Denver has been struggling for weeks now to pay for services for illegal border crossers. Early in February it was announced that the city would start cutting some services for taxpayers, and unsuccessfully tried to blame Republicans.

Now the city is going to start cutting the hours of city employees, in some cases down to zero, in order to keep paying for services for illegals.

This is simply not sustainable and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it.

Cuts to Denver Parks & Rec services begin Tuesday with reduced days, hours
Reductions in days and hours at Denver Parks and Rec centers began on Tuesday. Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced the cuts earlier this month.
The cuts in service to Denver Parks and Recreation do not involve layoffs for current employees. However, hourly workers can expect fewer hours, and on-call and seasonal workers will be most impacted.

Beginning Feb. 20, Denver Recreation Centers will begin to reduce hours. Regional Centers open 7 days a week will only be open 6 days a week. Those open 6 days a week will stay open for the same number of days but the hours of operation will be reduced.
Summer Recreation Programming in Denver will be reduced by 25% across the program. The city will also forgo planting annual flower beds this year.
It’s amazing that the taxpayers of Denver are putting up with this. They are the people who pay the bills for the city and they’re getting shafted.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
It's not for "illegals", it's for refugees seeking asylumn. Do you understand the difference? The cuts to the flower bed maintenance are going to be hard to handle.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
The city of Denver has been struggling for weeks now to pay for services for illegal border crossers. Early in February it was announced that the city would start cutting some services for taxpayers, and unsuccessfully tried to blame Republicans.

Now the city is going to start cutting the hours of city employees, in some cases down to zero, in order to keep paying for services for illegals.

This is simply not sustainable and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it.

It’s amazing that the taxpayers of Denver are putting up with this. They are the people who pay the bills for the city and they’re getting shafted.
No, what's amazing is that a certain party decided to vote against a bipartisan bill that pretty much gave them everything they were asking for... just so an orange con man can use this issue in the upcoming election.

Also amazing that in your mind, "they're getting shafted." Crazy thought... a lot of them are decent human beings that understand this is a humanitarian issue, not a political issue, and they are ok with TRYING TO FUCKING HELP. Aren't you... aren't you a Christian?

Also so strange that Denver, CO wasn't properly set up to take in an influx of migrant workers. AND very strange that Abbott is sending the migrants to Denver instead of, say, Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Wonder why.



Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2007
crossville tn
No, what's amazing is that a certain party decided to vote against a bipartisan bill that pretty much gave them everything they were asking for... just so an orange con man can use this issue in the upcoming election.

Also amazing that in your mind, "they're getting shafted." Crazy thought... a lot of them are decent human beings that understand this is a humanitarian issue, not a political issue, and they are ok with TRYING TO FUCKING HELP. Aren't you... aren't you a Christian?

Also so strange that Denver, CO wasn't properly set up to take in an influx of migrant workers. AND very strange that Abbott is sending the migrants to Denver instead of, say, Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Wonder why.

View attachment 6966636
Denver is a sanctuary city just like New York and Chicago so if the illegals are claiming sanctuary where beter to send them than sanctuary cities .And as far as a border bill the house past one last year and it has set on Chucky Shumers desk since then
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
Denver is a sanctuary city just like New York and Chicago so if the illegals are claiming sanctuary where beter to send them than sanctuary cities .And as far as a border bill the house past one last year and it has set on Chucky Shumers desk since then
ah, the other supposed "Christian" who hates those who are less fortunate.

sorry, maybe "hate" is too strong. how 'bout "is terrified of"?