Vijay's a chickenshit

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Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002
I don't buy this "I told my wife I'd take a tournament off if I won" stuff for a bit.

He's a chickenshit, plain and simple. You ever seen a guy who challenges another guy to a fight and then stands there going, "throw the first punch" when they get the jackets off. We got a million expressions for this kind of crap: "you talk the talk but do you walk the walk?" comes to mind.

Whether you want her there or not, you have to agree that Vijay's a pussy for running his mouth and then not playing.

Anyway. . .

As far as I'm concerned, if she beats even ONE SINGLE man that should end all questions of whether she should be there or not. Cause if she shouldn't be there, neither should he.

Shoot. Even if she gets creamed by everyone out there, you can still say all it was was a sponsor's publicity stunt. That's the whole point of being a sponsor isn't it? Publicity.

As far as her getting in. . .hey, sponsor's exemptions happen all the time. They let people in who they think will draw fans and viewers. That's all this is. Maybe she plays so well that it turns out that any woman that wins an LPGA event should qualify for the PGA. But man, one woman plays on the tour in 50 years and before anyone knows how she'll do everyone's pissed off about it. Gimme a break. What century and country are we living in? We can't let one woman have a go to see how well she compares to men?

Maybe the top women are good enough to play with the men every week. Probably not, but maybe. . . Can't you let one woman play 36 or 72 holes to find out. That's so egregious and unfair that everyone's boxers are in a bunch? Come on. Maybe these guys who are so anti-women should stop acting like them. ;)

Doesn't winning the US Amateur get you into some events? Is that any more valid than letting a woman who wins an LPGA major into a tournament? :shrug: A male amateur has more right to play on the professional tour than a female pro?

As far as her making the cut, no friggin' way. I think she's toast. I hope she proves me wrong.

Here's from USATODAY....

Singh said May 11 that he hoped Sorenstam "missed the cut" because she "doesn't belong" in the PGA Tour event. A day later he tried to soften those remarks but maintained that the PGA Tour was a "man's tour."

Singh said his decision to drop out of the Colonial was unrelated to Sorenstam. "It has nothing to do with the controversy," he said. "I've played in four straight tournaments and I need a break." Singh said he had promised his wife he would take the week off if he won Sunday. "I said if I won a tournament, I would take a week off. It just came at the right time, I guess," Singh said.

Singh, who finished at 4-under-par 66 Sunday and 15 under for the tournament, outdueled a surging Nick Price to win by two strokes.

It may have looked like the anti-Sorenstam Invitational, as defending Colonial champion Price also has come out publicly against Sorenstam playing, saying it reeks of a publicity stunt.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex

I think that was a very good post and overall very accurate on all points. I am against her playing if she is taking a spot from someone else, thats all, othrwise have at it and show us if what you have is enough, personally I doubt it. Your exactly right about why they let her in the event in the first place, hell it has us debating it and alot of us will watch just for this reason.

Sack up Vijay :mad:

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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
He sure wasn't worried about losing to her. Maybe he just didn't want to face the circus he created?

I think it's funny that he decided to sit this one out.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Would it *really* satisfy you if men could play on the LPGA? Or the WTA? Or the WBNA? Or how about the womens olympic soccer team? Would that make you happy? I highly doubt it.

Your ' poor me, i'm a disadvantaged white male in a country where I have every advantage' routine really gets old.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no....but if there are two pots of money....and women can compete for both pots....and men can only compete for one...then that is unfair

especially if at other levels mens sports support womens

i have absolutely no problem with her competing in this event....sponsor paid for the slots and he can sign up Yogi the Bear for all I care..

but if women get to play with the men now, then lets get rid of Title IX

uhhh...don't think I said men shoudl be able to play WNBA anywhere did I? i don't know...maybe I did..:shrug:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Right. The WNBA seemingly has nothing to do with it. So WTF does Title IX have to do with this?

Please connect the dots of your comments. Why would you call for an end to Title IX if women are allowed to regularly compete on the PGA(which will never happen)?

WTF does one have to do with another?
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Are men permitted to play on the womens tour if there scores qualify?

Are men not permitted to play on the womens tour based soley upon there sex?

Is it a requirement to play on the womens professional golf tour that the applicant is female?

Why do we differentiate participants in either the mens or womens tour based upon sex?

what about tennis? Should men be able to play in the womens bracket at Wimbledon?

Thank you,

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
It has ALOT to do with Title IX

A precedent is set now that its okay for women to compete with men. Now why should men's or "coed" athletics continue to fund money draining womens sports?

The PC crowd is hypocritical to support Title IX and also be for women competing in men's sports. I don't want to sit here and type all night so I will leave it at that


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002
Eddie -- Here's what I think the difference is.

The PGA is simply the top tour in the world. It offers the most money and the best competition. (this came up months ago but I'll say it again).

It's just like a 15 year old could play in the majors if he was good enough, but Barry Bonds couldn't play in "Babe Ruth League". I think it's as simple as that. The LPGA is a "sub-league" with restriction on its membership. The PGA is the tour for the top pros.

Maybe NO woman can play in it competitively. Probably not. But if she goes out and makes the cut, maybe we need to start looking at that whole pool of golfers (women) as potential competitors. Maybe they start identifying holes in their game or developing other strengths to compete with the men. I don't know but man, the hoopla over ONE woman in ONE tournament. Sheesh.

I think one has to keep in mind that this is still entertainment/ratings etc. too. So that the WTA wants to restrict its membership to put forth a product where two people are competing at a similar level. If men started dominating the WTA, it wouldn't have the same appeal it does now (like don't you always think there's a chance the WTA players are going to start making out when the match is over. All sweaty and wearing those cute outfits?) It would ruin the product.

So I guess that's all it comes down to for me. Women's sports organizations exist, if they can, entirely in their own realm by putting an inferior product out there and seeing if people will watch it. If they can do it, fine. But I don't think the men's organizations are "men-only". I think they're "best-only".

Freeze -- I'm probably closer to your thinking on Title IX than you might expect. I don't really want to get into that right now though. I don't know if I see it as hyprocritical to support both. But as I said above, if pro women's orgs can support themselves, then that's just fine and dandy. But Title IX seems like one of these things where supply creates demand instead of the other way around. The benefits of Title IX are pretty nebulous at best ("playing field hockey and going 0-14 gave me more self esteem." :rolleyes: )