
game on!

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 26, 2001
This is my first week posting my thoughts on the games at this forum. Been reading all the post and have enjoyed all the info that is passed around. Without having a bunch of worthless post tryng to tell me how great they are and how everyone else suks. I hope that continues all threw the up coming season. Anyway. A couple thoughts on vikes and panthers. I really love the over in this game. With Carolina's D being really bad and the vikes playing there first regular season game at home. Big emotional lift will be provided by a ceramony before the game for Kory Stringer. The Vikes will take that energy and light up the scoreboard in the rememberence of there fallin teamate. I'm allso leanin to take the pts. This one could be a blowout. Thank you and GL 2 U ALL!


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 27, 2001
charlotte, n.c. usa
I agree on the over for sure. And living in Charlotte not sure about the 9' but i do know Carolina will have a tough time winning the game so if you do teasers tease this on Vikings side.

Happy Gaming.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 21, 2000
Great White North
i agree vikes/panthers over on the points. but i'm really liking the det/gb under and mia +6 to cover tenn.

the dolphins always seem competitive against the titans.

i will post my write-ups later on this week...good luck and talk to everyone soon!

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