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Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
Anyone hear of or familiar with the new company Wagermall? Seems like a great concept. One account from which you have access to place wagers on 12 different books all displayed on one screen so that you can compare lines and choose the best. Five of MadJacks sponsors are included in the 12.


Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
I am very curious as well. Love the idea, and they do use some sponsored books.
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ad interim...
Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
"...Quo fas et gloria ducunt..."
don't know anyone that uses it and i don't know why we haven't heard of this before.....???

FYI: this post may be an urban legend, but i thought i'd let you guys see what i came across when doin searches about this "wagermall".

from a website:

Dear Sportbookreview:
opened a gambling account with Wagermall.com on Monday morning, January 27, 2003. I faxed them a credit card security form with a deposit of $500 to open an account. When I came back from lunch, I had $1,500 deducted from my visa account. I called and talked to Rolando and he said they swipe $1,500 instead (laughing about it) and they would deduct $1,000 from my gambling account and fedex me a check Tuesday morning. Monday night I made 2 $110 bets on basketball and they both won. On Tuesday, my visa card had a debit of $1,500 and my wagermall account had $1,700.

I called Wagermall and talked to Alica, she told me she had to talk to the manager. After holding for 5 minutes on the phone, Alicia told me to call back. I told her I wanted to talk to the manager, but she told me the manager wasn't here today. I told her I was going to file a complaint with OSGA about Wagermall.com. She told me to go ahead because OSGA is a f*cking waste of time. Two hours later I called back and talked to Andre, he told me they would fedex me a $1,000 check Wednesday morning. On Wednesday morning, my wagermall account balance was $1,700. I called Wagermall and talked to Sarah and I told her I was cancelling my account with Wagermall and I wanted a $200 check fedex to me because the $1,500 left my bank account that I never authorized to go in the first place. She told me she couldn't do that for me because it is against house rules. I would appreciate it if you could let other people know about Wagermall.com and see if there's any chance in getting my $200 back. My account number is ****

*** *********

take it for what it's worth...:shrug:


Registered STUD
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2000
Some info...and Jack can verify this I believe...

WagerMall are umbrella books all basically owned by NASA and are essentially the largest.

Have not found out anyone with experience with it yet...I let you know if I find anything out.


Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
Well if that's true Dogface, and in trying to figure out the concept I figured that this was a possibility, what does that say about Mad Jacks endorsements?????

A BIG part of what encourages people to do business with the Mad Jacks sponsors is the understanding that these books are legitimate and are on the up and up and can be trusted with our money. That's because Mad Jacks is supposed to have checked these books out and have made sure of this. The first thing anyone should do when checking out a company is check out the owners. How can you vouch for five different books on this site and not know or reveal that they are owned by NASA???? NASA by the way is not a recommended book and I have been aware of these guys for years and to put it nicely have not heard good things about them.

Maybe I've got this all wrong and all one needs to do is pay money to have Mad Jacks list them as a sponsored book but that is sure not the impression I have been operating under nor others that I have spoken with. Any response here Jack?
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Senior Pats Fan
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Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Mickey's Picks said:
Well if that's true Dogface, and in trying to figure out the concept I figured that this was a possibility, what does that say about Mad Jacks endorsements?????
It says that Jack is a hard working SOB who is going to make as damn sure as he possibly can that the sponsors are on the up and up. And that is good enough for me.

To be fair to you and your point, a lot of us have been burned by sponsors that mysteriously went bankrupt or disappeared. Efforts were made though to recover the fund or move us to a book that would hook us up for our loss. So in the over 2 years that I've been here, thats not a bad record. I think it behooves all of us to do our own research in addition, as well as to adhere to some smart principles. Like not keeping all your eggs in one basket and load up at one book without spreading your money around. That makes zero sense, even if it is a sponsor, and I think Jack would agree.

Bottom line is I know that Jack personally knows a lot of the owners of these places and that means more to me than some ad I may read in a magazine. I cant count the times something has gone wrong, Jack has taken it on his shoulders to email the owner, and it gets cleared up. But no, no vetting process is 100% foolproof.


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Jul 13, 1999
i'm not familiar with wagermall and just visited for the first time. it sure looks like dogface is right but i'm not 100% positive.

bestline, gibraltar, infinity and millennium are the "4" that are sponsors here. mvp that is listed here is a different mvp (owned by dalton along with v-wager, superbook, etc)

these 4 have good reputations but do have some affiliation with nasa but are independently owned. maybe like a franchise thing. i hate pepsi but that doesn't stop me from eating at and recommending pizza hut. none of those books have slow pays or no pays.

i wouldn't list nasa here if they paid 10 times the current ad fees, so I DON'T just list any book that will pay me to advertise here. I turn books down all the time.

what should encourage people to do business with our sponsors is that i'll help them out if there is ever a dispute and it happens all the time, even with the premiere books. and, i DO check out all the sponsors before i accept their money.

i wouldn't have a book here if i wasn't confident to send them my own money.

all books listed on this site are solid and pay their players and pay them on time.

i have never claimed nor do i have plans to become a sportsbook 'watchdog' site. how the hell can ANYBODY accept advertising money from a sportsbook and be a 'watchdog'? the sites that accept money for advertising and claim to be a watchdog have no better connections or better books or their sites than i have listed here.



Registered STUD
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2000
Jack understands this already but I just wanted to make sure I am very clear. The post was asking for information about WagerMall...I identified the items that I knew about and shared it.

The years that I have been a member here and the discussions I have had with Jack outside of this forum have proven to me and thousands of other's he does his best for the sole purpose of benefitting everyone that are involved with his sites.

As for receiving this information, just because books in this case are pooled togehter does not necessarily mean they are run by the same people...consider (this may be a poor example) McDonald's has a franchise setting with many different operators they have guidlenis set but we know depending on who the actual operator is locally (this case one of sportsbooks) you may or may not receive better treatment. Some may also due differnt promo's etc... This is my abbreciated explanation.

Jack is always on the up and up, and looks out for everyone...and i have seen this..if he is or has been wrong in the past he corrects it with the forum members in mind.

Just my two pennies to share!


PS: I have no affiliation with Jack..wish I did he could help me more!!! LMAO!!!
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Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
Thanks for the response Jack. Nice for me and others I'm sure to know what your standards and procedures are in relation to the sponsored books.

Your comments about NASA however mirror my feelings/knowledge about them and since you have no definitive facts regarding just what NASA's relationship is with the 4 books on this site I'll personally just avoid them and will pass on Wagermall also. Plenty of other good books on your site to do business with.