

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
I tell ya, trying to send these guys some dough is pretty rough!

1st, you can choose to send these fellas an electronic cheque thru which you provide your personal banking information. You are then transferred to the Equifax Secure Server where they try and identify your information. If you've never used this service before you are required to create an account ID with ClearChex/Equifax Online Check Payment System. NOw, after you do all this, it will take THREE TO FIVE days for them to verify that you have a sufficient amount of funds to fund your particular account. Also, instead of getting the 15% signup bonus, if you use this means of transferring money you only receive a 5% bonus....

If the above seems a little too difficult, you can fortunately fund your account thru NeTeller. You first have to establish a NeTeller account which consists of divulging all of your personal information as well as all of your personal banking information. After you have created your NeTeller account, you then are required to fund the account thru such means as a Credit Card or your personal banking information. At one time, NeTeller allowed you to fund your account by sending a PayPal payment to them. NeTeller has since dissolved their relationship with PayPal so this option is no longer valid. If you choose the latter, this will take 2-3 days to confirm you have the proper funds in your checking or savings account. Second alternative is to fund your account using a credit card. BUT, by doing this, you can only deposit a maximum of $250 dollars. Any more than that, you have to have your account verified and to tell ya the truth, I didn't even look at what is involved in that f*ckin' process. As far as your signup bonus is concerned, I have NO idea whether you receive one or not, it simply just does not say.

THIRD, you can use a bank draft or wire using Federal Express or the good ole United States Postal Service. Each measure will require the customer to pay for all wire/draft fees plus the cost of the delivery service. Bonuses regarding this process of funding your account is not given on Wagerstreet's website.

FOURTH way to get money to them is the ole standard way of Credit Card deposit. This method used to be quite simple, but slowly has become the most difficult. 1st, you are limited to a maximum of $500 bones. If you want to put more, you have to call 1-888-628-2729 to find out how. And as most of you probably guessed, they pay ZERO dollars as a sign up bonus. You will probably more than likely be required to pay the cash advance charge that your Credit Card company will charge you if you use this funding method. Another little minute problem you could possibly run into is the fact that Bank of America, Capitol Bank, Wachovia, and Providian WILL NOT let their cardholders use their CC's to ante up with Offshore Gambling Sites.
HERE's THE BEST PART ABOUT USING THIS OPTION: If you were fortunate enough to kick some bookie ass, your payout will be a credit back to your card which entails you to fax Wagerstreet a copy (front and back) of your credit card and driver's license to 435-806-3118. Gets better......When requesting a withdrawal, Wagerstreet.com will first credit back any charges made via credit card back onto the credit card used in the form of a reversal. This credit will hit your credit card five working days from the day the request is processed.
Any funds over and above the credit card deposit may then be sent via the users selected method of withdrawal. Before any withdrawals can be processed, deposit funds must first have cleared, (2-3 days via credit card) (15 days for bank drafts/cashiers checks).

NOW, once you've decided on what method of payment seems the easiest, you then must contact Wagerstreet by phone to verify your deposit method. Sending a wire transfer will require you to give Wagerstreet the tracking number for the FedEx courier. Also you will be required to get Swift codes, ABA, and Telex numbers
Bank branch, telephone number and your account number.

KEEP IN MIND, these are the methods to FUND your account, actually trying to WITHDRAW your proceeds is an adventure unto its own. Actually, if I was fortunate to somehow fund my Wagerstreet account, I wouldn't even ATTEMPT to cash it out. BUT, for those that are seeking an adventure of a lifetime, here are a few of the obstacles that you'll encounter.....

If you'd like a payout/charge back to your credit card, then you will need to fax us a copy (front and back) of your credit card and driver's license to 435-806-3118. When requesting a withdrawal, Wagerstreet.com will first credit back any charges made via credit card back onto the credit card used in the form of a reversal. This credit will hit your credit card five working days from the day the request is processed.
Any funds over and above the credit card deposit may then be sent via the users selected method of withdrawal.
Also note that under some circumstances, users may be requested to fax us a copy of the front and back of their credit card as well as a piece of identification before any refunds can be issued. Withdrawal requests are processed Monday through Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 PM, any requests submitted after 12:00 PM will be processed the next day.
Before any withdrawals can be processed, deposit funds must first have cleared, (2-3 days via credit card) (15 days for bank drafts/cashiers checks). There is a $50 fee withdrawing fees through a bank wire, which can take anywhere from 2-3 days. Next Day FedEx will cost ya around $20 bones, regular mail 5-7. NETeller: (instantly during operating hours) $15.00 for amounts over $100, 15% for amounts less than $100
Note any NETeller withdrawal requests made before the user has played at least 30% of the amount "in action" are subject to a $30 fee for amounts over $100 or 30% for amounts under $100.
Note any Credit Card withdrawal requests made before the user has played at least 30% of the amount "in action" are subject to a 10% fee, please do not deposit via credit card if you do not intend to wager! And for those that think they're clever and are gonna use Western Union, well Wagerstreet.com does not payout via Western Union.

To this day, I remember many moons ago when I opened up my FIRST offshore account. It was a little known book called Betmaker. I remember calling their 1-800# and reading off my CC #'s to a fella who barely spoke English. My account was juiced up in a little over 5 minutes and Betmaker refunded all the fees associated with depositing money thru CC. DAMN, them were the days!!!


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Registered User
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Nov 27, 1999
On The Beach

The scary part is most books now have similar withdrawal requirements. Grand Central does same thing. Now I know why I liked my local book so much. Sometimes a bad line but pay on Tuesday
pickup on Thursday like clockwork. And, no money up front to boot! Chit Neems we're getting old.


Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999
It seems like all books have these rules and requirements in place. I funded my account through Neteller and the money was in the account in 5 minutes. They, by far, have the fasted website of all the online sportsbooks. Once you have your neteller account verified...you'll never have to go through the bs again. You will be transferring money between books with absolute ease.

If you follow through and actually join Wagerstreet......I believe that you will be very impressed with their setup.



Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 2000
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here.

Wagerstreet is a great book. their site is so quick, easy and simple. it's great, but they have 20 cent baseball lines. They are my favorite book, but i refuse to play 20 cent lines.

Neteller sucks now, no other way to put it. They got rid of paypal (big mistake) and they now they charge 2.4% just to deposit, and their new credit card service will only accept 1 out of my 4 credit cards now. PLus they bill it as a cash advance, which is bs, and costly

Paypal bills as a cash adv now too, but i can get my cards thru there.

The way the fees and bs is, it's almost better to play with a local, offshore is convenient, but more fees and bs..

This has been extremely frustrating for me lately, with all the changes.

I would gladly re-up with wagerstreet if they had a fair baseball line like 80% of the net does. I've never had any problem with them, Bob is great. Their service is outstanding too.

I'm finding it hard to deposit ANYWHERE right now. I've tried my cards at a lot of places like aces gold, wagerworldwide, top of the world, etc

Just wish the cash advance bs would go away...everything was cool until the last month

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
You guys are right that depositing money and withdrawing it is like pulling teeth with the exception of Neteller. I use them for all my books and I have not had problems except sometimes it takes a day or so for the money to show.

Also, I love Wagerstreet but I won't use them for baseball. For hockey they are the best. A good book all around with the fastest Neteller payouts and a great layout, but those 20 cent lines will keep me away for the summer.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Thing that gets me about NeTeller, is that if you want to deposit more than $250 bucks, you have to get your bank account information verified by them. This process takes anywhere between 2-3 days. I'd say that 99.9% of the folks out there want to open an account with MORE than $250 dollars. I then asked NeTeller if I could put $250 dollars on each one of my credit cards. They said NO, only one can be used. I about lost my shit! Their termination of PayPal as being a means to put cash in your account was EXTREMELY stupid in my opinion. All this bullchit could've been taken care of in less than 5 minutes if PayPal was still accepted.

I realize every book out there is concerned about security, but it's gettin' a little ridiculous don't ya think??

I have yet to see an easier and less complicated way than using the PayPal method. But, look around and see how many offshore books are offering them as a means to put cash in your account. Everyone says they are going to in the future, but no one has, or at least I haven't found one that does. In my opinion, as operator of a particular offshore book, this would be on my top list of objectives!!It don't matter what bells and whistles you have at your place; if ya can't get money to them, what the hell does it matter??

I don't mind the 20 cent baseball line, cuz I don't bet on that many games. The reason they sparked my interest was due to the fact that that are a contributor to Jack's place, they have a pretty cool and easy design format, and they offer TONS of Nascar matchups...

"Hey Wagerstreet, I want to send you a couple of grand but I aint a waitin' a week and paying 3-5% in credit card transaction fees. Ya got any other idea on how I might become a customer of yours?"


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Neemer you are mistaken in a few aspects of your post so I will try and clear up some misconceptions.

1. The deposit from clearchex and Equifax is Instant, you don't have to wait 3-4 days for your deposit to be credited into our account, It is instant. The "personal" info that you provide is given to equifax, not us and if you are worried about providing any info to equifax, you shouldn't be, equifax is a large company that maintains credit reports for virtually anyone that offers credit. Ever had a credit check done on you before? If you have, then equifax is the one supplying this info to your bank, credit card companies, landlords etc.

Btw equifax asks you questions that they know the answers to for instance "with what bank did you get your mortgage?" so if you are worried about divulging personal information to equifax, don't bother worrying they know everything about your financial life!

Many of our users use the online check deposit and really seem to like it, as I mentioned the funds are instantly deposited into your wagerstreet account, but it is a CHEQUE, so it will take 3 days to be debited from your account, (kind of like when you pay for groceries with a check, they let you have your veggies and meats, we let you wager).

2. The sign up bonus for every form of deposit *except credit cards* to wagerstreet is 10%, you GET AN ADDITIONAL 5% BY USING THE ONLINE CHECK DEPOSIT.

3. Neteller, we are not Neteller, we along with 60 other sportsbooks use them as a method of funding your account, you are not required to fund your neteller account in the method that Neemer suggested, you can also w/d funds from a sportsbook that has neteller into your neteller account (thus funding your Neteller account) and then send the funds off to another book. If anyone knows of a faster way to move money around between 60 books let me know, I have yet to find it.

4. Wagerstreet picks up the fees for ALL incoming deposits over $300.00 if you want to send fedex, if you want to send less than that last time I checked fedex to Canada is overnight and costs $20.00. If you want to send it via regular mail i think a stamp is less than a dollar and will arrive in 5 days. We pay a lot to be located where we are, and one of the advantages is that mail gets to us FASTER than any other offshore sportsbook.

All this information can be found in our banking section including the part about wagerstreet picking up all fees on deposits sent via fedex, bankwire and regular mail for amounts over $300.00

"NOW, once you've decided on what method of payment seems the easiest, you then must contact Wagerstreet by phone to verify your deposit method. Sending a wire transfer will require you to give Wagerstreet the tracking number for the FedEx courier. Also you will be required to get Swift codes, ABA, and Telex numbers
Bank branch, telephone number and your account number."


Nowhere on our site does it say that you MUST contact us, what it does say is that is that if you send us a fedex, bankwire or regular mail deposit, its not a bad idea to notify us of it via the online form, its just a "heads up" notification for us.

The ABA/Swift codes/ etc are for BANKWIRES this is spelled out on the site.

To recap you can send us funds via regular mail, fedex and the like, and simply include your account name in the envelope and it will be deposited as soon as we get it, but some people like to provide us with tracking numbers etc, for those people we have a notification form that you can fill out to notify us of your pending deposit.

As far as credit card deposits go, I don't know of any books that don't require you to w/d via credit card up to and including your initial deposit, its industry standard. The reason why we require you to fax us identification before requesting a w/d is to protect us from fraud.

A few people have inquired as to why we require you to do this when you withdraw and not when you deposit, the reason why we do this is not to "prevent" you from w/d'ing your funds, its to prevent the 3% of the people out there who use stolen credit cards. If the user knows before hand that there is NO CHANCE of him receiving any funds with a stolen credit card why bother trying to make the deposit? Since we have enacted this policy our fraud rate has dropped significantly.

In conclusion we pick up the fees for all deposits over $300.00, our bonus policy is quite clearly outlined here:
but here is an outline

10% for all deposits *excluding credit card* and EVERY deposit made via online checking will get you an additional 5% *thats 15% if you use it for your first deposit*.

We also offer 5% bonus on EVERY neteller deposit over $500.00 *thats 15% if you use it for your first deposit and its over $500.00*

If you still have any questions let me know and I will answer them ASAP.



[This message has been edited by wagerstreet.com (edited 04-20-2001).]


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Forum Member
Originally posted by Neemer:

"Hey Wagerstreet, I want to send you a couple of grand but I aint a waitin' a week and paying 3-5% in credit card transaction fees. Ya got any other idea on how I might become a customer of yours?"

I just saw this latest post from you as I was responding to the first part.

If you want to send us money, you can send it to us via fedex and we will pick up the fees, unfortunately its friday and thus we won't get it until Saturday.

You can send us the funds via credit card and it will be deposited instantly, however until your card is verified you will be limited to $500.00 per day.

Or you can use the online checking deposit form through clearchex, that is also instant, its free and will net you 15% on your first deposit and 5% for each subsequent deposit.



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Many of our users use the online check deposit and really seem to like it, as I mentioned the funds are instantly deposited into your wagerstreet account

You fellas REALLY need to change the wording around cuz it reads as though you have to wait 2-3 days to GAMBLE, which would make sense because what if the Electronic Cheque DOES NOT clear and this person has been placing wagers for 2-3 days??

Here's the exact wording......

New users to the ClearChex/Equifax Online Check Payment System should choose the 'Register' option on the next page (after hitting 'Submit to ClearChex' below) to set up an account that will all you to securely and safely write online checks to a variety of Internet companies.
It will take three to five business days for your check to clear your account. Please make sure there are sufficient funds in your account at this time
Withdrawels on monies deposited via Online Checking can only be made after the w/d from your checking account has been verified.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Thursday night around 7:30 pm central. After that, I talked to someone in your "Live Support" section...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Sounds good! I think we're on the same team here. I give you my money and you take it! I'll be sending funds by equifax tonite. Please give me a # to reach you if I can't figure this damn thing out....



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Of course the Equifax Cheque DID NOT work. After I put in all that chit, they tell me that a similiar account has already been established. I really wish they would have told me before I divulged about 2 pages of financial information. Hell, they knew more about my finances than I did... )

I have no idea where they are getting that I already had an existing account. There is no way in hell I could've forgotten signing up with them especially with all the required information you have to turn over. My next logical step was to just give them a call and straighten the whole thing out. To my amazement, they were closed. It seems as though if you have a problem after 5:00 and before 8:00 during the weekday you're chit out of luck.

After giving this attention for the past two days, I decided to whip the Wells Fargo card out and open up an account the old fashioned way! I decided to just say "SCREW" the bonuses and I'm gettin' prepared for the raping I'll receive in regards to my cash advance fees....
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