Washington - Hands down, most overrated


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Got back from the game last night and all I could think about was god, why are people so high on this team? This was not a 28-14 game. This team was utterly dominated by New England in the first half. Look at Washington this year though, this is whats happened all preseason, their first teamers have looked awful.

Washingtons 1st team O'line was getting crushed throughout the first half, giving up 5 sacks and 4 fumbles. Now, I personally do not think New Englands defense is that great. They are good, they gameplan like nonbodys business, but they are physically not the most gifted team. But they made Washington look like a joke.

If Washington goes 8-8 they should consider it a gift. With Shane Matthews as a starter behind this offensive line, good luck. I'm making my play this morning on Arizona +7 in Week one this morning.


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Great quote from the Boston Globe this morning:

"Spurrier may be a genius of offensive football, but until he finds a quarterback who can run his offense in the NFL the way Wuerffel ran it in the Southeastern Conference, a lot of defenses are going to stop it. No matter how big a gun you have, you need someone to pull the trigger, and Wuerffel is not that guy."
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