We should have seen it coming!

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
This is the most disgusting day I have spent on earth. The tragedy, the death, the ruination of the lives of tens of thousands (possibly more)could not be more sickening. Maybe we could see this coming if we had opened our eyes. The US has become a most naive country. We extol freedom and do our best to make our land the very soul of the free world. However, in the current effort to be "politically correct" at all costs, I think we might have brought some of this on ourselves. We have, arguably, the most accessible borders in the world (save Mexico). Almost anyone can and does come here, legally or illegaly, with little review. We try our best to be fair to all. We try to do the right thing. Agreed, these are admirable traits, but the rest of the world isn't playing the same game. We are holding ourselves to a far greater standard than anyone else on earth. When this happens, you will be taken advantage of in a big way. Remember Khadafi? What about Sadam Hussein? Now it is Bin Laden. These terrorists have committed egregious acts of aggression against American citizens and American property time and time again. And what have we done? We have effectively turned the other cheek. We have been the schoolyard sissy that has allowed the schoolyard bully to get away with murder. It hasn't been the "politically correct" thing to ferret these maggots out and exterminate them like termites. Wake up, America! It is a time long overdue. No more mister nice guy, please!

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Bin Laden warned the USA three weeks ago he would make a terrorist attack, but USA took it for granted.....that's the USA for ya!!

Read the story below:

Title: New Attacks Feared

Meanwhile, U.S. communications intercepts continue to suggest bin Laden, accused of masterminding the bombings of two American embassies in Africa last year, is planning another major terrorist attack against U.S. interests somewhere in the world, officials say.
?We believe Osama bin Laden is definitely planning something,? said one intelligence official, who added that rumors, reports, and warnings are received daily.
Two senior intelligence officials said privately to ABCNEWS they believe significant planning is under way, but that no actual action by bin Laden?s organization is yet in the offing.

[This message has been edited by hello there (edited 09-11-2001).]