

Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
first play of season. probably will end up being my biggest of season when all is said and done. spent last few weeks tinkering with 1q database going back 10 seasons and tinkering with random 1q lines. if it shows any success at all in trials i'll post it since they intrigue me. if not ill just have wasted two weeks inserting worthless data while playing euro poker and listening to the voice of god in axl.

MEMPHIS + 101 x one bazillion dollars. or 10x. or whatever you have in your 401k and mortgage.

in fact you are classified as an nba head square, bookies wet dream, fcking moron, asshat if you think okc stands any chance of winning this game. you know nothing about life, liberty, or giving a woman the one - two teddy.

if you think okc has any chance of winning this game at all you might need to see a shrink. you might be mentally challenged.

In fact, if you think okc can win:
Yo Mamma's so stupid she stayed in the grocery store for one day looking at a can of orange juice just because it said concentrate

Your Mamma is so ugly she uses a line of makeup called "Why Bother"

so give it up to the elite. the proud the strong, the brave, the alien intelligence.

I see you standing
Standing on your own
It's such a lonely place for you
For you to be
If you need a shoulder
Or if you need a friend
I'll be here standing
Until the bitter end
No one needs the sorrow
No one needs the pain
I hate to see you
Walking out there
Out in the rain
So don't chastise me
Or think I, I mean you harm
Of those that take you
Leave you strung out

bless me lord, for I am losing my mind. 4 days into the nba season, the mind is shot. for this might be the end, the end of days, the last.............godspeed

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