Wednesday's Coin Toss

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Yesterday 7-1 +13 units
This year 34-17 +46 units

1-5 units

1 unit 5-2
2 unit 12-8
3 unit 7-2
4 unit 7-2
5 unit 3-3


LaSalle +6 1 unit (W)
Delaware +5 1 unit (W)
Indiana -3 2 units (W)
Arizona -26 2 units (W)
Siena +5 2 units (W)
USC +2 3 units (L)
TX Tech -4 4 units (W)
Duke -14.5 4 units (W)


Hence the Thread Title "Wednesday's Coin Toss." I feel that I have a great deal of knowledge about some good teams playing tonight, but can find only one possible edge (and its an over/under which I hate playing in college hoops). We are 1-0 on totals though. The Big Ten vs ACC games should be good ones where anything could happen. NO BIG PLAYS tonight, none that I even feel extremely comfortable about, but I will make some 1 unit wagers "just to help give me someone to cheer for," I usually insist against this as its not really a smart way to make money but what the hell......I wanted to share these thoughts to "again" show that tonight in my opinion should be a pass night but will make 1 (2 unit) and some 1 unit plays.....

Virg @ Mich St under 140 2 units
Virginia +7 1 unit
Minnesota -4 1 unit
Morehead St +5 1 unit
UNLV +2 1 unit
Houston -7 1 unit

Thoughts and/or hunches

(Virginia @ Mich St) Both play good defense. Mich St very physical slow tempo team that will rely on getting the ball inside. Mich St plays low scoring games at home. Got to take the points with the team that has already played ranked opponets (KY and IND). I feel it will be a close game in a low scoring affair.

(GTech @ Minny) Here is a really big coin toss game. I originally liked GTech but have since changed to Minny. GTech's freshmen Chris Bosh and Jarret Jack are going to be outstanding. I have watched Bosh for two years in high school and with some muscle he will be good in the NBA (in the future). BJ Elder is also a tough scorer, but they are VERY YOUNG and I feel that they might experience a little of what NC got last night vs. Illinois. They are going into the house of ranked BIG 10 TEAM that has really learned to play team basketball under Dan Monson (the man that brought Gonzaga alive in 1999). 6-11 So Forward Rick Rickert will give Bosh an unfriendly welcome to Div 1 hoops from his HS days. ps Bosh is undefeated in last two years as his GTech team has not loss and his High School team finished last year #1 Team in the Country (undefeated)....

(Morehead St @ Wright St) I feel Morehead St will win this one outright

(UNLV @ Nevada) Again, I think the wrong team favored here as UNLV should get the victory.

(UTEP @ Houston) Not really a bet for Houston but rather one against UTEP!

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
I almost forgot......HOW ABOUT MY HOOSIERS!!!! They made me proud last night as they hung in there after shooting under 25% in the first half......WOW!!!!

I can't wait until Jan 18th to see the two High School Teamates Bracey Wright and Deron Williams go against each other at Assembly Hall in Bloomington.....Illinois vs. IU

Good Luck

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