The only "hard part" of this, is continuing to swallow the loss of bigger wagers.
In my book, some bets just warrant a bigger wager. If I think the line is well off from my projection, I will put more at risk. Of the losses I had this week, the Packers hurt the most. I had that game pegged solid, and lose on the 'look what I found!' scores that the Lions made. These come and go, and I'll win some I deserved to lose, so i won't cry too loudly.
Betting "small" amounts does not bother me. I have never been a big hitter. In my 1-4 unit system, a 'unit' was $25, so scaling back is not really 'scaling back'.
The one point I am trying to stress to the members here, is that your bankroll determines what you can wager.
Even my $44 and $55 are pushing the edge of what I should risk with a $1000 kick, that's why there will be few of them. I am willing to bet that most guys who wager, have an account of less than $1000, yet make $100 wagers! You cannot do that, and expect to be around for very long.
My wagers will be in $5 increments from $15-$50. That turns my "unit system" on it's ear a little, but in the long run, it should prove to be more fine tuned. Now, I know some of you see a $17.50 wager to win $15 and laugh your ass off! I don't mind. I was never in this to make money, I was in it for fun.....That has changed a bit, as I want to start getting payouts from these places a little more often than twice a year! Since coming to Madjacks, I have spent far too much time involved with sports wagering to not be making money at it. As I said, it does not have to be much money, but it does need to be consistant. Thus, I came up with the idea that I am currently playing with.
Did I feel different, you ask? Yes! I did in terms of having fewer wagers. I didn't make the $5-$15 'silly' wagers on whims and just to have something going. But, I wagered on only the games I handicapped, which is my main objective here. Quality will prevail. That I promise. If this test period turns out to be a disaster, I will still lose less money than I normally would, due to fewer wagers. I fully expect the breaks will even out, and I will sit between 47%-55% winners. That is why the 'unit' price is so the big, and lose the small.
You might be right in your approach of wagering the same unit. Time will be the judge of that for me. If I need to start doing that, I will. (It is hard to look at a 6-3 record, and be down cash!)
I am greatful for the advice, and hope you guys keep it coming!