Well looking for a bounce back week.
Not how I was hoping to start. But here
We go.
Mia -2.5 5x overall better team
Wash-1.5 5x 2 bad team Giants are worse
Balt-9.5 5x pissed off Balt equals bad news
For the Raiders
TB+7 5x playoff rematch and think Bucs
Hang tough
LAR+1.5 5x Ari playing Better but still not
As good as the Rams even with injuries
Den+3 5x see Pitt struggling off a decent win
Off back to back road games.
Atl+6.5 10x think Falcons finally show up
After the dumpster fire last week
Good luck this week!
Not how I was hoping to start. But here
We go.
Mia -2.5 5x overall better team
Wash-1.5 5x 2 bad team Giants are worse
Balt-9.5 5x pissed off Balt equals bad news
For the Raiders
TB+7 5x playoff rematch and think Bucs
Hang tough
LAR+1.5 5x Ari playing Better but still not
As good as the Rams even with injuries
Den+3 5x see Pitt struggling off a decent win
Off back to back road games.
Atl+6.5 10x think Falcons finally show up
After the dumpster fire last week
Good luck this week!