Week 6 CFB/Wk 5 NFL Service plays

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Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Birmingham, Alabama
From Northcoast Power Sweep Newsletter, they are 4-1 this year on 4* College releases.

Nebraska *4
Tulane *3
Va Tech 3*
ULL 2*
Tenn 2*
Underdog - Wake Forest +9 1/2
Tech play - Clemson -13
Revenge - Stanford
Situational - ULL
Phone Play Early Bird - Baylor -27


NO 4*
Cleve 3*
Car 2*
Over 3* SD/Oak
Over 3* Car/AZ
Under 3* KC/Tenn
Under 2* NE/Cincy
Under 2* Jags/STL

Angle plays, 2-0 LW, 2-8 for the year - St L, NE

Computer plays - 40% on the year - 5-8, L2 wks, Toledo by 27, E Car by 13, NC State by 4, Va Tech by 15 and Mizzou by 3


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Birmingham, Alabama


LA Lafayette -10
Troy -3
UAB -3.5

Totals up sometime Wednesday.

3 southern games!! Woohoo!!

I'll be at Illini vs Nebraska on Saturday in Lincoln.


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Birmingham, Alabama
2013 Marc Lawrence 2-Minute Handicap

College Football 2-MINUTE HANDICAP
Posted: 09/30/2013

Thursday, Oct 3
Ucla 3-0 Weekdays... 5-2 Game Four... 1-9 conf RF's 7 < pts... 2-7 w/ rest... 2-6 bef California
UTAH SERIES: 3-0 L3... 4-0 as Weekday dogs... 9-3 w/ rest... 7-2 L9 as HD's... 7-3 off SU road dog win... 0-3 aft BYU... 2-5 Game Five

Friday, Oct 4
Byu 5-1 Weekdays... 4-1 away vs opp w/ revenge... 4-1 off 3+ HG... 7-2 as RD's < 7 pts... 1-4 Game Five
UTAH ST SERIES: 6-1 L7 / 4-0 H... 6-0 home off BB RG... 8-2 Weekdays... 1-3 aft San Jose St... 1-3-1 as favs w/ revenges

Saturday, Oct 5
Air Force 3-1 as RD's 14 > pts... 0-3 Game Six... 1-5 in 2nd of BB RG... 1-4 bef SD State
NAVY SERIES: 9-1 L10... 4-1 favs bef BB RG... 1-6 as favs > 10 pts... 3-8 Game Four... 2-5 home vs opp w/ revenge

Louisville SERIES: 3-0 L3 / 3-1 A... 5-1 Game Five... 8-3 w/ rest... 1-4 as RF's 11 > pts... 2-6 favs vs conf revenge
TEMPLE 4-1 as DD HD's... 0-4 vs undef opp (Gm 4 >)... 0-4 w/ conf revenge... 1-4 Game Five home

Maryland 6-2 Game Five... 7-3 as conf RD's 13 > pts... 0-5 w/ rest... 1-4 aft West Va... 2-5 aft allow 7 < pts
FLORIDA ST SERIES: 4-2 L6... 0-10 as conf HF's 17 < pts... 0-4 aft Bost Coll... 1-6 bef Clemson... 3-9 Game Five

Georgia Tech 7-1 away w/ conf revenge... 10-2 Game Five away... 8-3 off Weekday gm... 1-3 off SU home fav loss
MIAMI-FLA SERIES: 4-0 L4... 6-0 vs conf revenge... 1-3 Game Five home... 2-5 home off DD road win

Clemson 4-0 bef Bost Coll... 5-1 as conf RF's 7 > pts... 6-2 vs conf opp w/ rest... 4-12 Game Five
SYRACUSE 9-1 home off SU win 21 > pts... 6-2 w/ rest... 0-3 Game Five home... 1-4 in 3rd straight HG

Illinois 6-1 dogs vs opp w/ rest... 4-1 dogs off SU win 21 > pts... 0-4 as conf dogs 13 > pts... 1-3 Game Five
NEBRASKA SERIES: 2-0 L2... 3-1-1 as Big 10 conf HF's 15 < pts... 1-6 in 3rd straight HG... 2-5 Game Five... 2-5 home w/ rest

Oregon SERIES: 4-0 L4... 4-1 Game Five... 4-1 away off BB HG... 3-1 as RF's 24 > pts... 6-2 bef Wash... 1-3-1 aft California
COLORADO 6-2 Game Four... 0-2 aft Oreg St... 1-6 as HD's 17 > pts... 1-3 bef Ariz St

Georgia 6-1 away off BBB HG... 1-7 aft LSU...1-4 Game Five... 1-4 as DD RF's... 3-9 away vs conf revenge
TENNESSEE SERIES: 5-2 L7... 0-5-1 as DD HD's... 0-4-1 in 2nd of 3+ HG... 0-3 Game Six... 1-6 bef S Carolina

Arkansas 4-1 Game Six... 4-1 aft Tex A&M... 4-1-1 bef HG vs S Carolina... 1-6 L7 as DD dogs
FLORIDA SERIES: 7-1 L8... 0-4 home bef BB RG... 2-7 Game Five... 2-6 as conf HF's 10 > pts... 3-7 aft Kentucky

Lsu SERIES: 13-3 L16 / 9-1 A... 6-0 in 2nd of BB RG... 3-1-1 Game Six... 1-6 as favs 4 > pts vs opp w/ revenge... 1-5 bef Florida
MISSISSIPPI ST 5-1 off DD SU non-conf win... 4-1 as HD's 8 > pts... 1-3 Game Five home... 2-5 dogs in 2nd of BB HG

Tcu 3-0 bef Kansas... 7-2 w/ conf revenge... 5-2 as RD's 9 > pts... 0-5 Game Five... 1-4 aft SMU
OKLAHOMA SERIES: 2-0 L2... 4-1 Game Five... 6-2 as conf favs 13 < pts... 1-4 home vs conf revenge

Kansas St SERIES: 7-2 L9 / 3-1 A... 5-0 conf RD's 8 > pts... 7-1 off DD SU conf loss... 3-1 w/ rest... 3-1 Game Five... 1-4 aft Texas
OKLAHOMA ST 4-0 in 1st of BB HG... 3-0 bef TCU... 6-1 home vs opp w/ rest... 3-1-1 Game Five

Minnesota 12-3 Game Six... 0-5 vs conf opp w/ rest... 1-6 w/ conf revenge... 1-4 away off 3+ HG
MICHIGAN SERIES: 5-0 L5... 7-1 as DD favs vs conf revenge... 6-1 w/ rest... 1-3 Game Five home... 3-7 pf SU win but ATS loss

Washington 5-2 Game Five dogs... 1-4 aft Arizona... 2-7 away off BB HG... 2-6 as RD's > 7 pts vs conf revenge
STANFORD SERIES: 4-1 L5... 4-1 aft Wash St... 8-2 home w/ conf revenge... 7-3 Game Five

Kentucky 3-1 Game Five away... 1-5 bef Alabama... 3-10 aft Florida
S CAROLINA SERIES: 6-2 L8... 5-1 as favs 17 > pts... 4-1 home vs conf off non-conf gm... 2-5 bef Arkansas

Arizona St 3-0-1 bef Colorado... 0-3-1 as non-conf dogs 7 < pts... 1-3-1 Game Five... 3-7 aft USC
NOTRE DAME 4-1-1 Game Six... 3-1-1 as favs 7 < pts... 6-2 bef USC... 1-3 off BB HG

W Virgnia 4-0 as dogs 14 > pts... 6-1 away vs conf opp w/ revenge... 5-1 Game Six away... 4-1 as RD's vs opp w/ rest
BAYLOR 4-0 off SU win 28 > pts... 4-0 bef Kan St... 5-1 as favs w/ conf revenge... 1-5 Game Four home... 1-3 w/ rest

Ohio St SERIES: 4-0 L4... 6-0 Game Six... 3-0 bef Iowa... 1-3-1 as conf RF's 8 > pts... 2-5 aft Wisconsin
NORTHWESTERN 8-3 Game Five... 0-4 as dogs in 2nd of BB HG... 1-4 as conf HD's 11 < pts... *1-3 vs undef opp (Gm 5 >)
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