
MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


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Feb 12, 2000
The only information that I can give this week is about the game that I went to. Birmingham vs. Memphis. First, Salaam is going to tear this league apart barring injury. Once he gets through the line there is noone that will contain him. Second, the Bolts looked GOOD in the second half. Their offense was clicking and the defense stepped up to shut the run down beofre Salaam could gain momentum.

If Weldon (Bolts) would not have thrown the interception deep in his own territory, the Bolts would have won the game while covering. Being a home game probably hurt the Bolts more than it helped. The crowd was chanting for Jay Barker the entire time--not to mention them interviewing him over the big screen throughout the game. This had to throw Weldon off of his game in the first half. Once he shook that off, he really looked good. They did this without their #1 recevier. I am not sure if he will be back this week, though. Update would be appreciated.

After all of this, I think the Bolts are a very solid choice at -3. Because Memphis is probably going to be havily dependent on the run the entire season, I would not lay 5 points in this situation. I would also not bet against them because of Salaam. A definite pass from my perspective.

Bolts -3
Maniacs/Outlaws Pass

Sic 'em