Went to the movies....

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Jan 15, 2002
we went to see "Identity" last night.

To make a long story short, the woman in front of us had the courtesy to shut down the ringer on her cell phone, but LEFT IT ON VIBRATE and took a call during the movie. Cel phone in a movie isn't a new complaint but this was a new twist on it.

She and her man (who came in 30 minutes after the picture started), basically talked throughout the picture even after we requested they be quiet.

To top it all off, the lights came on at the end of the movie, and it turns out SHE WAS AN EMPLOYEE OF THE THEATER.

It's the last time we go there. Voting with our feet. :walk: This kind of stuff happens every time we go. Getting the management not only means getting up during the movie (which I hate) but doesn't help at this joint at all.

Other parts of going last night involved my wife ordering a pretzel (they had a case of them on the counter) which for some reason sent the girl behind the counter out the door behind the snack bar for at least a minute. Without a word, she came back, got the pretzel, and rang it up. She was polite, but she just went somewhere else for a minute. :shrug:

Fortunately, Baltimore has two of the best theaters I've ever been to (link 1, link 2), and a third which is very good. But to catch certain flicks, you got to go to the shithouse.

"Identity" was pretty good. Basically, you got the classic "dark and stormy night" :scared . Then 10 people get stranded at a hotel in the desert and start dying one by one. :firing: And there's a twist. ;)

Just wanted to get this peeve out there.


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Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!
Shrimp, went to see that same movie when it first came out. Good overall movie, but the twist left me cold.

At any rate... good rant on the cell phone. My movie pet peeve however, are people bringing their little children to see R rated movies.

At Identity, a woman came in a little late, with her 2 kids. WHY in the world would you take your 2 kids to see that movie? Their comprehension of the plot is limited, and the violence/gore of it isn't exactly something suitable for them. PLUS they ask too many questions, talk, kick chairs, and make noise.

LEAEV THE KIDS AT HOME WITH A BABYSITTER! If you can't afford one, tough sh!t wait till they're older then you can start going out to the movies again. :mad:


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Nov 9, 2000
i have major problems also with people talking, whether on the phone or to each other, & crying babies. the way we combat these problems is either sit in the seats on the side aisles, because for some reason people don't like sitting there, & go to the movies in the off hours.
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Jan 15, 2002
Stop flirting with me, Meg. ;)

I kind of liked the twist, but the wife didn't. The good thing is they wrapped it up pretty quickly after that. A worse movie would have lingered.

I saw an artsy flick a few weeks ago called "rivers and tides" and a 6 or 7 year old sat behind me, and yes, literally was swinging his legs kicking my chair.

I said something to his dad and it stopped, but should that have even started? I really don't get some of these folks. Are they completely oblivious that others are trying to watch a movie in peace and quiet?


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Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!
Sorry, Shrimp. I just can't help flirting with every guy here, apparently. :shrug: Everyone needs to start lining up... I only have so many hours in a day!

There should be a rule where you cannot bring your children in R rated movies... with or without a parent!

I know it's really cold to those parents who feel they deserve some time out and its their right to take their kids out with them wherever they go... but holy living f*ck. I didn't have a say in the procreation of these kids, so why should they have a say in how I enjoy my movie?
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I don't know what's worse, having the people in front of u talk the whole movie (especially when one has already seen the movie and is giving a play by play), having beepers and cell phones going off, having kids in R rated movies, or having people clapping at the end. Movie experiences are sure different than they were 15-20 years ago. The sign at the entrance should also say, "bend over" too, always makes me a little sore dishing out all that money.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


which theatre did you go to(if you don`t mind my asking)?........i don`t go on the west side anymore,unless myself and my lady can shake free during the day........movies have become a real hassle....people just have no consideration for others.....and i tend to get "real" rude in those situations....thanks
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Feb 6, 2001
Re: shrimp

Re: shrimp

gardenweasel said:
which theatre did you go to

I was wondering the same thing. Never been to the Charles, but the Senator is a great place to see a movie. One of the last old-time theaters. Most of my movie-going tends to be either at Arundel Mills or White Marsh. Same shit goes on there though. Got to listen to a hungry infant cry for a half hour for his 8:30 feeding one night. Unfortunately it was during the 8:00 showing.

The Army of Darkness

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Mar 12, 2001
I haven't seen a movie in the theater in a long time, but the last time I went people at the end started clapping. :shrug:
Did they think the people would magically come out of the screen and start bowing. I figured the next time I go I am going to bring a bunch of roses and throw them at the screen at the end of the movie. That will show those actors how much I enjoyed that great performance. As if the $100 I just spent buying popcorn, drink and Gummy Bears didn't show my appreciation enough.



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Jan 15, 2002
This was Towson Commons.

In the city proper, you got The Charles, The Senator, and two screens at the little mall called the Rotunda (and a couple others). Towson Commons is right on York in Towson and is closer to my pad than any of the places in the 'Burbs (AM or WM).

Check out the Charles sometime for you local guys. That's smack in the middle of the city, but runs artsier and foreign fare so it keeps out the riff raff (and usually me, who some would include with the riff raff). It's a really nice place. There's a "tapas" place right next to it, and a couple all right bars/restaurants right across the road. Coming into the city from the south, its a straight shot up Calvert and then 2 blocks west when you get to (I think) 17th (or lanvale). You can make a nice evening out of it.

kosar -- stop flirting with meg.

tbone -- don't get it from blockbuster. someone else might want to see it after you, and it was good but not for $200. :nono:
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