Seoulbrotha, roughly what type of $$? Do you plan on taking it out all at once? There really isn't any guarantee that everything will be fine. Unless you have a working knowledge of WU or have been contacted by the IRS/authorities it would be hard to answer your question. I've taken out $2,000-$3000 at times (not on a consistant basis) and haven't had any problems. Western Union needs a SS# for anything over $1,000 so you may want to divide it up. By doing this you will have to pay out your ass for the fees. Again not knowing a ballpark figure it's hard to offer advice. I had the same concern last year. I won about $13,000 in a month at Gameday. I had some of it WU (at the time they werereally not using WU because of problems) the majority of it I had sent via internet cash card. I requested a card and it came in a week. I was able to withdraw $2,000 a day I think. Yes I had to hit a few ATM's, but I felt it was safer. Just something to consider if the book has this option. Hope this helps.