We've all had tough losses...

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Feb 12, 2000
New Jersey
Having Kansas vs. Arizona last week and today Indiana vs. Louisville, it might be time to take a break. Having 2 home dogs getting 2.5(B.C. vs ND last saturday and UCLA vs. Oregon ) and losing both games in overtime, doesn't help either.

I only bet a few games per week, it's not like I am playing the whole board!

Is this the NBA? Such unbelievable point swings! Kansas up by 19, and loses by 17. Indiana, who I had heavily for me, getting 8.5 and 9.5, up 40-24 and they lose 95-76!!!! The score was tied with 5:00 to go at 70 and they were outscored 25-6 to end the game. I know Louisville constantly presses, but that was ridiculous.

Having done this hobby for over 25 years, we have seen it all, but maybe it is finally time to rest.

Just venting. Thanks for listening.

Best of Luck,
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well son you got 25 years in. I got started around 63/64 boy how many swings and 1/2 point killing I can't remember. But it does come back the other way. Walking away for a couple days or even a couple of weeks is ok to do now and then. Venting is always good.
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Registered User
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Mar 2, 2002
Lynchburg, VA
indiana without a field goal for the last 7:55 is ridiculous, indiana and kansas last week vs. zona are battling for the best biggest choke of the yr
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