What do we know about "Wannabe Whale"?

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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I tried to email you with zero success. I tried to get you, and the few other deadbeats over at my fantasy league, to cough up the $25 you still owe, by posting at sandbox.

This is, unfortunately, a long running joke with you.

You have about the worst track record of paying what you owe of anyone I know of.

You screwed people over at another site last season in the golf tournaments, and that was over a lousy $25 too!

Why was I not shocked to see your handle sign up and grab one of the few spots available in my friend's league? Why am I not surprised it has come to me "calling you out" in this forum for not paying?

You seem to be able to post picks for every free contest from A to Z every stinking day, so I would think you have time to put a check in an envelope and send it out!

In my eyes, all you did was screw another guy out of a chance to play in our league.

You want to clear the air the little? Respond to me here and send me the goddamned money without fcking around anymore! My address is still posted at sandbox in the rumor mill.

By the way.....to the two other guys from here who have yet to pay, your thread will be coming up real soon, too, if you can't find your checkbooks!

Big time gamblers, to be sure!


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 17, 2000
Maybe you can get your money from Mrs. Whale who posts directly after him in the contests.

wannabe whale

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2000
Rochester, NY
Life is too short to be getting angry about being called out-so I will just answer your statements.
yyz-I joined the fantasy baseball league with every intention of paying-just like I do for every contest and every wager. The check was mailed out on Thursday after work. I never even knew the league was full and drafted until Tuesday. I have NEVER received any emails from you. I am sorry for the slow turnaround of 2 days. I have been working 85 hours a week ever since my fulltime job was eliminated. It should be in your hands by no later than Monday I would guess from NY to Wisconsin.
About my track record. Last year in Yahoo golf was a disaster. I entered 1 contest and lost. I was told to send my money to an off-shore sports book instead of sending it to an individual-which I did. After about a month of it not being cashed-I sent an email into the golf forum. I was told to now send it to another individual-which I did. I am yet to have either check cashed-which I then cancelled. This year I entered one golf contest and the check was cashed. Nothing but facts. please tell me ANYONE that I owe money to and I will send it out tomorrow.
yyz and EMJ-I love playing the free contests at Madjacks. Some are so much fun that it eliminates the need to wager on some events. Last time I checked they were free and open to all. Please do not infer that I only enter contests here. I try to contribute in all forums as much as possible.
About 2 months ago-I sent a memo to Jack and asked if it would be a problem if my wife entered contests as well as myself. She is a great supporter of mine and I would put her knowledge of sports up against anybody else's wife. These contests keep her interested in what we are watching and attending.
Jack stated that he had no problem with it. If anyone does than I will drop out of any of the current contests and let her plays stand-she is usually a better capper anyways.
Her plays generally follow mine due to ease of entry. If I was trying to hide something-why would she make her handle Mrs Whale. I am proud of my wife and her ability to cap. Trust me-ALOT of guys in here would give anything to have someone like that that takes an interest in sports and doesn't condemn gambling.
Hope this answers all. If I can be of further help-please let me know.
Last time I checked I thought I was a decent guy-not great but Never a welcher..


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
apology in order??....harsh man


FWIW...WW has always been a stand-up guy and has the respect of many.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I look forward to receiving the check, Whale.

I don't know why you never received any emails, when I mailed the entire league using the function over at sandbox. Perhaps your address is incorrect.

I'm sure that you can appreciate the need for money to be turned in prior to the start of an event. This league was formed over two weeks ago. Here was my initial post on May 17th:

One of my co-workers has started a league over at sandbox.com
If you are interested, let me know in this post.

It is a ten man league, so we need 8 more guys.

$25 to enter, it is an automated draft in their Full Count leagues. Prize breakdown has not been determined at press time, but at $25 a guy, this is mostly for shits and grins.

If you are seriously interested, and are a poster in good standing here at Jack's, post up here.

The money will need to be sent out right away, and if you screw up on this, and cost someone else a chance at playing, your name will be "Mudd" here.

I did exactly what I said I would do, so I have no remorse for that.

I hope the check gets here soon, and will be happy to post up when it does. I'm sorry if there were hard feelings over this, but this is a business transaction, and must be treated as such.

Good morning to all .


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999

I sincerely hope you learned a valuable lesson today; which is get all your friggin' facts straight before you have diarreha of the mouth! It might come as a surprise to you, but a large majority of people here have jobs that require them to put in a little over the regular 40 hour work week.

I also hope that you're man enough to apologize when you get your damn $25 dollar check. Embarassing and humiliating someone in a public forum such as this is chicken chit in my opinion, and I commend Mr. Whale's subdued response. I on the other hand, would have probably hunted your ass down and given ya a fist full of knuckles..


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
ok enough is enough,not to many people know anyone here except for a few. so judgeing people through a screen is wrong,trust me i learned,i have a friend from here that know one would of thought would ever be and he's a great person,right Matt
anyway lets quit the personal attacks this isnot the site for it,and till you know someone here don't try to judge them because more then likely you will be wrong. and if you do know someone and you dislike them keep it to yourself. stones in glass houses,i sure we all have some faults.


Registered User
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Dec 15, 2000
don't want to bust any chop's here, but have to agree w/Neemer on this one. were only looking @ a $25 check and trust me i for one know what it take's for a long work week. if someone doesn't have the time its very understandable and on the other hand were looking aT A MEASLY $25.i work approx: 70 hours a week and if i got into this contest and owed $25 and haven't sent it out yet c'mon guy's people have there minds on other things besides $25 now me for one i don't have to work that many hours ,make very good money but that is what my posistion calls for and also have a wife that is a nurse that also brings in very good money, but if someone owes ya $25 stinkin dollars "maybe its because that's there last thing on there mind" remember there is along season ahead of us and am sure wannabe whale is not worrying bout $25

just my thoughts on this, think someone is being bashed for nothing here, and me for one will defend someone that i feel is being rediculously offended by!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2001
I am a newbie here, but it's nice to see regulars stand up for someone getting slammed. I have stopped by this forum occasinally for several months and one of first threads I read was a posters brother informing the other posters that his brother had died in a car accident. Everyone here helped the little brother through a rough time(sorry I can't remember the name).Anyway, my point is its good to see posters here that try and help each other out and defend a friend, or stranger however the case may be.

[This message has been edited by sweatbet (edited 06-02-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The ups and downs ant it just fun some times. One thing I did see May 17th date. Its now June 2nd. No check. Others who may like to play might not get to. So dont screw up and not send your money. Not saying I was the eleventh guy. But if I was I would now be pissed. Im one of those guys if I join a contest. I follow rules. If I can't follow rules I dont join. No excuse. I will not read between the lines. But there is some fault here, And it's not all YYZ. Maybe we can just get to 50/50 and let it go. Neems this is a small flame. We must save our selfs for the real a?? holes that pop in now and then. How about everbody just cool it down a little.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Originally posted by fletcher:
ok enough is enough,not to many people know anyone here except for a few. so judgeing people through a screen is wrong,trust me i learned,i have a friend from here that know one would of thought would ever be and he's a great person,right Matt


Thanks. You're exactly right, one should never judge a book the cover.

While i'm here, I guess i'll chime in on this situation:

I don't think that i've ever seen one of these types of 'pay me later' things go smoothly on these forums. Almost invariably, something like this happens. To me, it's not really worth the hassle, especially if it is going to stress you out so much when the inevitable slow-payers drag their feet.

It doesn't look like WW fits the slow-pay category, but YYZ mentioned a few other people also. It shouldn't really be surprising or worthy of humiliating somebody, especially without all (any?) of the facts.

Oh well, who really cares anyways?


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
hey, alot of ya guys are right... time constraints. But ya know what? that aint chit for an excuse. it takes 25 seconds to write a check, 30 more seconds to stamp and label the envelope and about 15 steps to put it in the mailbox.

time, tide, and formation wait for no one!

i dont know all the details nor do i wanna, but time constraints cant possible be a major excuse here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
I wasn't implying that the process of writing a $25 dollar check is difficult within itself, I was simply suggesting that related matter concerning work or family might lead someone to FORGET to write a check! I don't purposely forget to pay my water bill every month, but on some occassions I do b/c I got a million other things rolling thru my head. That's why they usually send you out a second notice b/c it happens all the time. They don't put your name in the local paper and humiliate your ass basically calling you a deadbeat who doesn't pay his debts to society.

Hey, if you're one of those perfect people in society that never forget anything, then this is something your probably don't comprehend. BUT, the 99.9% of us who do, understand that something like this can easily happen.

YYZ's attack could have been handled in a much more civilized manner. There was no need to handle it the way he did. I'm still waiting to hear who else he owes money too...


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I was hoping this would die. I said my piece, and Whale said his.

The fact remains, none of you know what happened in the past, so none of you are really entitled to say a thing in this matter.

So, to the local apothecary, once again you have tread where you do not belong. Whale spoke pretty well on his own accord, I think. It just looks like you wanted to be the "turd in the puchbowl" once more. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. I did find it amusing, however, that you used your famous "fist full of knuckles" diatribe once again. (Christ, I hope you're not still pissed about the fcking shoes fiasco?) You need to get back to the ol mortar and pestel, and leave the tough talk to John Wayne.

Whale said his check was coming, and I believe him. He will be one step up on 4 other people out of the 10 entered. But, I dare not say who they are, for fear of being banished from our fair society! (A little hint, though.....One is a bigger name here than Whale.)

The thing people may not see? I am in this contest with people I work with. People I see every day. Not just cyber-names who intermingle and come and go. When the idea to form this league came about, I said I would have no problem filling the last five spots. I had faith, and put trust in the people here at Mad Jack's. I put my credibility on the line with my friends, and it looks like shit.

"Count me in!"

"I'll do it!"

"Save me a spot!"

So....I did. I sent out the password on the good faith that I would be paid promply, not just when it would be convenient for people. At the least, I should have received an email or some feedback at the gaming site as to people's intentions.

"Hey, been tied up. Will send the money next week."

But nothing ever came from any of the other players who have yet to pay.

A local golfer wanted to try to qualify for this years US Open. He sent his entry in, and it was received one day late. It was sent back to him.

You see, this isn't like not paying your water bill. It is not even close. Your water company can say, "No more water for you!" What course of action do I have if people don't pay me? Nada!

I am going to leave it at this, and chalk it up for what it turns out to be.

Whale, I'm sure things will work out for us, and to that end, I am sorry for the trouble this may have caused you.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
I was hoping this would die. I said my piece, and Whale said his

Yep, it would sure suck seeing your comments at the top of this thread on every day. No offense YYZ, but ya got a big mouth, and for your sake, I hope you learn to control it one of these days..I've seen countless others life yourself hide behind a computer screen with their chest bowed up to their keyboard. It's kind of funny how some people behave when they realize there won't be any ramifications for their actions...

It just looks like you wanted to be the "turd in the puchbowl" once more.

Just callin' a spade a spade...

You need to get back to the ol mortar and pestel, and leave the tough talk to John Wayne.

Yep, it's called WORK, perhaps someday you might acquaint yourself with it...

But, I dare not say who they are, for fear of being banished from our fair society! (A little hint, though.....One is a bigger name here than Whale.)

WELL, here's a little suggestion; Why don't you try and contact him first, on a one on one basis? Perhaps even posting a dignified message here at Madjacks asking him to get in touch with you to see what the problem may be. It would certainly be a better course of action than embarassing yourself and someone else...

The thing people may not see? I am in this contest with people I work with. People I see every day. Not just cyber-names who intermingle and come and go. When the idea to form this league came about, I said I would have no problem filling the last five spots. I had faith, and put trust in the people here at Mad Jack's. I put my credibility on the line with my friends, and it looks like shit.

Why in the hell would you put your credibility on the line with people you've never met before? That appears to be your first mistake while your 2nd was embarassing someone. I'm sure you have enough sense to realize that just because the people that run this site are trustworthy and honest doesn't mean that everyone that is a member here is...

Whale, I'm sure things will work out for us, and to that end, I am sorry for the trouble this may have caused you.

See,.....that wasn't hard!

wannabe whale

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2000
Rochester, NY
I did not even know it was still going until I just got home today-I have tried to stay away and not create a stir-as this forum is too good for that. Hopefully this will end the negativism.
I was very hurt by the post-being called out amongst a great group of guys. Many pop in and out and I think that they may not get the final story-but that is life.
I was called a deadbeat and that is incorrect-BELIEVE ME I have paid every penny of my wagers in my life-and at times it has hurt financially. I WAS late according to the "schedule" set up by yyz and I am sorry. The league was sitting vacant for a week and I thought it would be fine to send it as soon as it filled up. Which I did 2 days later-work precluded me from even thinking about it over this time. MY BAD.
However-all I needed was a reminder not a calling out. I explained last year's YAHOO golf and I still have yet to hear who I owe a penny too??
I took more offense to the comments about playing free contests and my wife playing from EMJ. We have alot of fun here together at Madjacks and being viewed as "conspirators" has taken the fun out of it.
No hard feelings to anyone. I REALLY appreciate those that came in to my aid. There are some really great guys\gals here.
Just please post when the check arrives and it can be over!!!
Great evening to all!!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999

Keep in mind that this thread was started by one and only one individual. Don't think for a minute that this person's comments represent the feelings of the MadJack community itself. I truly hope you continue to frequent the threads and play the numerous contests along with your wife. I take my hat off to you in the handling of this situation. ..

[This message has been edited by Neemer (edited 06-04-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I believe this is when the old guy, thats me says. Amen. And tomorrow is another day. That Amen is for all of us.
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