I tried to email you with zero success. I tried to get you, and the few other deadbeats over at my fantasy league, to cough up the $25 you still owe, by posting at sandbox.
This is, unfortunately, a long running joke with you.
You have about the worst track record of paying what you owe of anyone I know of.
You screwed people over at another site last season in the golf tournaments, and that was over a lousy $25 too!
Why was I not shocked to see your handle sign up and grab one of the few spots available in my friend's league? Why am I not surprised it has come to me "calling you out" in this forum for not paying?
You seem to be able to post picks for every free contest from A to Z every stinking day, so I would think you have time to put a check in an envelope and send it out!
In my eyes, all you did was screw another guy out of a chance to play in our league.
You want to clear the air the little? Respond to me here and send me the goddamned money without fcking around anymore! My address is still posted at sandbox in the rumor mill.
By the way.....to the two other guys from here who have yet to pay, your thread will be coming up real soon, too, if you can't find your checkbooks!
Big time gamblers, to be sure!
This is, unfortunately, a long running joke with you.
You have about the worst track record of paying what you owe of anyone I know of.
You screwed people over at another site last season in the golf tournaments, and that was over a lousy $25 too!
Why was I not shocked to see your handle sign up and grab one of the few spots available in my friend's league? Why am I not surprised it has come to me "calling you out" in this forum for not paying?
You seem to be able to post picks for every free contest from A to Z every stinking day, so I would think you have time to put a check in an envelope and send it out!
In my eyes, all you did was screw another guy out of a chance to play in our league.
You want to clear the air the little? Respond to me here and send me the goddamned money without fcking around anymore! My address is still posted at sandbox in the rumor mill.
By the way.....to the two other guys from here who have yet to pay, your thread will be coming up real soon, too, if you can't find your checkbooks!
Big time gamblers, to be sure!