what happened??

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Uncle Vinnie

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
This post will get moved but I've had somthing I my mind. What happened to all the old regulars around here?? Fletcher, Raymond,Roger,thunder,dvj,volfan,freeze,......I could go on and on. Not to take credit from anyone else but I used to look forward to comparing their plays. Are some touts now? I mean we get enough free service plays to make that kind of silly. This place originated on sharing info which we all do some better than others. I'm sure I could go to another site and get their plays for free also so why does MJ's have to suffer? I just don't want to see things deterioate. I respect everyone that takes thier time to post on this site and I think alot go unappreciated thats why they leave or stop posting. I mean alot of guys post and have crazy high views and go 4-0 and don't even get a freakin reply.
It wasn't like that in 2000. I mean no disrespect to Jack (your the best) but you hardly post on the fourms anymore, I know you have your own page but that participation with the masses is gone. I know this site has blown up and you get your hits but don't forget how it started.
I remember the time I posted a play that you took the time to give me congats because you played it. And I still wear my MJ tee shirt you sent me. Thats the spirit that everyone should carry over into the New Year.