What is Jordan to you?

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Dec 27, 2000
Tampa FL USA
I am yet to figure why he is valued so much. He takes 25-30 shots at least. Has some good nights but any nba player might have those if they had a chance to shoot that many. He is a great addition to the lowly wizards team. There is no question about that. What I can't figure is, as a coach how can't you see this. When he is having an off night give the ball to the others. Don't just have him sit but have him play and distribute the ball. If he can't do that then he is not even living up to my low expectations.

I'll never spend my to see him personally. (maybe w/ rip in the starting line, I'll whatch wizards) There is way too many nba players I'll better spend my money to see. I think nets are out there to prove it tonight.