What kind of success has anyone had playing both sides while live betting?


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Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Thinking about that seriously during the current Georgia-Baylor match in the Sugar Bowl.
There has already been--1st quarter--several opportunities to grab either money line at better than +100, within minutes, so if the wagers were balanced, obviously, you could be looking at guaranteed profit.

Historically, my picks have been solid but I constantly run into money management problems.
I'm trying to fix that by doing things such as hedging, lately, as I've had a number of parlays with a final match needed where the other side comeback, at a smaller price, would guarantee no loss on the selection--or a guaranteed profit--but this has had mixed results; I think it is 5 cases of doing such with only one time not regretting the secondary investment (i.e. my original choice was goal).

The past couple of years it has become apparent to me that live, in-game betting could be a goldmine, if I would have the discipline not to bet-b-bet-bet so much pre-flop. My stakes are currently entertainment-level so it is what it is, but anybody who is truly in this to make money--'professional' or otherwise--has to take the live-betting route, imo.

Argument against would be the cases where you figure your selection is gold and if you wait you will have lost the opportunity, but I find a number of leans where certain questions linger as to how the team is going to look in that particular game, with these current Bowl games being a prime example.

Just wondering what success people have had with the flip-flop guaranteed live thingee. Perhaps such an option appears less frequently than I imagine but I have not been as aggressive in the live markets as I suspect I should be.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
That's interesting, kickserv, but not really what I'm considering.
btw, how come we haven't hooked up for a brew--watch a game or something. Actually, I'm not even sure where in the GWNorth you actually are, although I'm inclined to think it's Ontario based on my faulty memory from your NHL posts.


Further note on my original question, which might be relevant.
I've been using Pinnacle exclusively, lately, and I'm not sure how their ping-ponging line moves compare to other sites, especially for in-games. They may be extreme, in this respect, as I find that they are even on their pre-flop lines; the couple of days leading up to LSU-Oklahoma saw them alternate between LSU -13 and -14 constantly. I've seen a number of other examples from Pinnacle where they fluctuate their numbers up and down quite readily (and to greater extremes than said 1-point move w.LSU). Maybe other sites are more firm, but I still imagine that during the course of many games this strategy would be viable, considering one has a firm grasp on the flow of a particular game.

Not sure if this addendum clarifies or muddies things, but it is what it is.
Live long and profit.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
I'm not even sure where in the GWNorth you actually are, although I'm inclined to think it's Ontario based on my faulty memory from your NHL posts.

I am about 300km from you.

Good Luck on the live betting.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
I am about 300km from you.

You made me google distance to Ottawa, as I suspect you might live around there (51% chance that is mistaken?) Anyways, I see that as about 450km (google monster). No prob. I still have to comment that you shouldn't be a pussy, get my contacts from Jack (or whoever, I can't recall how this shit works) and give me a notice is you're heading down South; I'll treat...let's watch the Chiefs playing the Pats, Bills or Texans. Long shot you're free, but offer is there. I've hooked up with Toronto-Vigilante before and one other--Hendrix only knows who that was--but we've just had the forum words (barring the longshot that you were my 'can't remember'). <bleepin> like 20 years and I never made a Superbowl party, though tempted (maybe you have) and I stick around not because I am a gambling monster but because I am a sports fan beyond the comprehension of any live humans that I come in contact with.

Offer stand, NFL playoffs or otherwise. Sorry to convey a more one-to-one message in here but I have no other means. If disregarded, I'll catch you in the forums, no doubt.
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