I see. A team with a big lead gets a rebound with 14 sec left. Lets not hold on to the ball, lets take a chitty shot. Oops it missed, now lets foul the guy with 0.00 on the clock :cursin:
I know exactly how you feel. I had the ncaa washington/utah second half under last week and a Utah c*cksucker fouls washinton with 1 second left even though their down by six. The washington guy hits 1 FT and I lose the largest bet I had placed this year in NCAA basketball by a half a point
Such language. I tried to tell you not to f#@% with Sac, LAL, or Dal. They'll s#@% on you. I'm getting ready to f#@% with the Dal total tonight so I expect to get S#@% on. You notice I put that last one in capps. Good luck Mike